Bear Brian

Lol, irony everywhere! Thanks :)

Right, because pointing out you’re using the incorrect name for something that’s been talked about non-stop for more than a week makes you a pedant.

Great, now you take a moment to research how much of an asshole you must be to take the time to post how you think someone you’ve never met must be an asshole.

Here’s the thing: Have you ever watched Costas doing the eulogy at Mickey Mantle’s funeral? It’s one of the defining moments of his career:

I love how Gawker Media thinks it’s being pithy and cute by devoting a whole post to inaccuracies to throw shade at Alexandra Stanley, but can’t be bothered to correct an inaccuracy in one of its own headlines.

And it was so obviously baiting for a fight for the benefit of a lawsuit, with the friend standing by with a phone to take a photo. So much eyeroll.

Hahahahahahaha. I knew my comment would bring the Brady apologists out of their little rats’ nests. Thanks for not disappointing me.

Clearly by your Kinja name you have a dog in this hunt, but then why did he have to be such a dick during the Wells investigation? He got the suspension not only because of what the evidence looked like, but also because he refused to cooperate. And please don’t support the “But Tom Brady just can’t hand over his

Definitely agree with this, also because they made a point of name-checking the club, Story, in South Beach. (On a side note, I was at the club on another shoot when Peter Berg came in to scout it.) There is NO WAY that club would have let that guy in there dressed the way he was ...

She could have a contract that requires a giant payout if she’s fired. Mickey Drexler was so in love with her when he signed her, it’s entirely possible.

This seriously deserves more stars and to be higher up, also bc the Post article name-checks the Tilly as the source of the problems!

Especially in the fashion industry, where everyone is such a peach.

Wait! I’ve got this, addressed this in another post: Hayden Panettiere! Look at the eyes and cheeks, definitely a resemblance ...

This doesn’t really answer your question because it’s tough to see the dress, but here are two Instagram photos from the wedding. The floral budget alone must have been insane.

She had Charlotte six weeks ago, and that’s what she looks like? Sigh. OK.

OK, never mind, I like your explanation much better.

It sounds like the local ABC-5 news cutting to the presser, and the music sounds like the generic instrumental that runs while they show the weather in other cities. Can we just assume it’s a local control room screwup?

David Price also pitched a complete game Friday against the Indians, didn’t throw a single ball in the first inning, and completed his shutout in 93 pitches. Far more economical.


Thank you! I’m willing to look past a typo (not really), but when you use it twice, you just don’t know how to spell it. From the Latin, bona fides, meaning good faith.