Bear Brian

These dresses you’re fantasizing about, have you tried any of them on? That’s really going to help. Looking at photos is too much projecting. Chances are if you tried all of these on, you’d end up hating most of them, especially the Amsale, which runs the risk of doing bad poufy thugs around your waist ...

Always so amazing how those who consider themselves “good Christians” pretty much unfailingly demonstrate how they’re the exact opposite of the Christian doctrine. And the irony of that is always, always lost on them.

I'm fine with MOIST, but the day you guys do a headline that repeats PANTIES (ugh ugh ugh ugh!) is the day I lose my shit on you, Jez.

Amazing that they got rid of the guy who worked under Jenna on the women’s collection, but kept Jenna, who of course approves everything, including the dreaded Tilly. She probably has a fat golden parachute. Which she’ll turn into pants. Which will be hella unflattering and expensive. #MoJennaMoProblems

Yeah, he angled for a one-year contract with the Tigers, and they didn't bite. Twins took him back, and he's been playing really well. The Tigers, meanwhile ...

While I love a good post-ejection tantrum, I hope he gave the batboy some money for having to pick up his stuff ...

Gosh, I can’t help but notice that the photo above of Butler shows him in front of a step-and-repeat at a known Las Vegas casino, and he’s even holding a football. So he’s at an event at a casino, and appearing on its red carpet, so one might say he’s participating in a promotional activity. Where’s the NFL’s faux

You gotta wonder about Hef’s net worth. The magazine is in danger of folding pretty much every day, and you can’t help but wonder how successful the website is, given how easily you can access porn and photos of naked women for free. Or, um, so I’ve heard.

Sorry, but Costas isn’t wrong. I applaud Caitlyn Jenner’s courage, but giving her that award is all about getting eyeballs to watch the ESPYs, with her courage running a distant second. You didn’t think otherwise, did you, Tom? If so, that’s downright adorable.

I’m sorry, but I need a minute to go off on the Anna bullshit a little. Please point to one actress on this list who needed the help. Because the vast majority of them are movie or TV stars who already have their own stylists and/or designers eagerly willing to work with them, so they would have shown up in these

Badgley Mischka ...

Seriously, those photos at the Derby with Gronk, Brady and the others - does the NFL realize that (gasp) gambling might have been happening? And then they flew direct to Mayweather/Pacquiao?

So all those former players and coaches who were at Wynn last week, who seem to be there the same time every year, that’s OK?

Let’s also consider that just this past Monday the CFDA gave Drexler an award that’s basically a lifetime-achievement award. Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Fashion insiders love to stick together.

Yikes, that is a terrible story. Classic teenage humiliation. I never had anything that bad, but it's amazing how you still feel it all the years later.

Uuuuugh. Thanks. My (female) doctor was also like, “Don’t be so sure you’re done. This could go on for years, you know.” Meanwhile, you just walk around knowing, after years (decades!!!) of your cycle running like clockwork, your body could just betray you at any second.

Crap, now I really want Taco Bell. Thanks, Pinkham.

Omigosh, I loved my grandmother dearly, but once before I started she told me when she was young they used rags and rinsed them out because they were poor. So scarring for a girl who has no idea.

Because men don't get periods? Just a guess. They got Viagra rushed through FDA approvals in record speed, though.

So much this. After a couple of bullshit experiences, I will NEVER see a male doctor ever again. They think you're ruled by your emotions bc you're a woman and don't take your concerns seriously. That's how I wound up having a minor heart procedure a year later than I should have, bc it took me changing to a female