Bear Brian

Pretty sure Tracey is a current or former veterinarian, which should be key to this story ...

I'd be a little freaked out that the smoke alarm didn't go off ...

People who put fish in the company microwave should be fired. Stinks up the whole office. And you know they never bother to try to wipe down the inside afterward to try to remove the smell. Fired, I say!

The ensuing Twitter war may be more exciting than this series ...

For everyone commenting about the guy on the boxing commission talking about the optics, this is the guy: Pat Lundvall, ladies and gentlemen. And no, not a mistake, bc I watched the OTL report.

Downing enough Xanax with a Bloody Mary that I’m sleeping against the window, noise-canceling headphones on, my special “Climb-Out” playlist blaring away (calming, happy music from George Harrison, Tom Petty and others) for the climb-out. “Look at her, she flies so much that just being on a plane makes her fall

Aargh, Vivien Leigh. Not Vivian. And yes, it matters.

I want to think/hope many have been purchased with the intent of going into the Academy museum they're opening in LA, what, next year? This would seem logical, but you're right, this is history falling by the wayside ...

The parents of all her classmates should all be absolutely ashamed of themselves. And yet sadly, they surely aren't ...

Clearly everyone in PR/Marketing/Communications was among the first to go. Congrats, Jay-Z & Co.: You’ve done the exact perfect thing to make your new company look like amateur hour.

Here is a rule of thumb I think it’s perfectly acceptable to ask every parent to adopt: Please, we beg you, do NOT post photos of your kid potty-training, with a detailed description of progress. You'd think people would know not to do this, but you would be wrong. It's been in my timeline twice, two different

Wait, where do you get "girthy"? Maybe he's a 34? Especially when you fold in that camera-adds-10-lbs bullshit ...

As long as her Sophie’s Choice Polish accent is somewhere in there - where I first fell in love with Ms Streep and REFUSED to believe it when someone told me she was a New Englander - I likewise would be totally fine with this ....

Since she came out of Yale Drama School, why this hasn’t happened already is kind of mystifying, as you would think such a pedigree screams straight to thea-tuh ...

I would turn up to watch Mary Louise read the phone book (yeah, I know it’s a cliche, but still would seriously do it, bc you and I both know it would be fabulous), so I’m totally down for this ...

You realize it was meant to be bad, right? That that was the joke?

Why this is in the greys and doesn't have more stars, I do not know, but thank you.

Stop trying to make fleek happen.

Designers decided right around the US recession that China/Asia in general was going to be a license to print money, and now that its economy is struggling and massive corruption investigations are impacting Macau, every designer has suffered. Even Hermes experienced a dip, and they’re supposed to be bulletproof. But

Wow, Eva Mendes may be gorgeous and amazing, but she knows DICK about being married. For the record, women who have been with their man for however long but haven't married them, but have the balls to say, "Well, we're basically married," guess what? No, you're not. Eva, until Baby Goose puts a ring on your finger,