Bear Brian

It makes me crazy when Gawker Media writers say they've never heard of someone. Isn't being up on pop culture an integral part of the job? Among other parts, Lily Collins played Sandra Bullock's daughter in The Blind Side, which you have to agree was a big enough movie for her to have been noticed ...

As yet another example of the posh little bubble in which it resides, of course Vogue makes this pronouncement, not once caring realizing that of course those desperate to likely to have their street-style photos taken wear red, because the color makes them that much more noticeable.

Living in New York, it's easy to feel utterly surrounded by special snowflakes. Kids are deemed "amazing" for accomplishing the most basic tasks. My theory is that subconsciously this parenting style is done bc it validates the parent's self-worth also: The more you're able to put your child on a pedestal, regardless

OK, honest question: Does anyone find that Bieber cover remotely attractive? Even forget that it's Bieber (though that contributes to the skeeve factor of it to a great degree). There's just something off about it. And, yes, greasy ...

I laughed at this and now feel ashamed.

Rancic's comment is laughable when you consider that it's largely her inane chatter that makes both the E! red carpet and FP so unwatchable in the first place. She is so conveniently forgetting that idiotic, embarrassing segment at the Globes, when she got Clooney to do a shot, and all she could do beforehand was

I want/need someone to discover that "Whore Score" was Rancic's idea. She LOVED Mani Cam and Clutch Cam, which were more colossally stupid than downright insulting, but in gimmick and tone, they totally match. Sad to see Griffin go, really only can hope the show dies its undignified death at this point, bc you know

If someone gives her a reality show or a book deal, I'm just not going to be responsible for my actions ...

So that would make the total reasons = one?

Who sends their save-the-date out this early? More than seven months away. Really?

I think they might have - in his on-air apology the week after he was suspended, he intimated that his ESPN bosses told him he can't engage anymore. He's still tweeting, but it's mainly stuff about the show and then retweeting others' tweets. His "batting practice," his name for those lame fights he got into, isn't

They're also just amping up the drama - Britt was annoying (and maybe never showered?) so of course they have to put a polarizing figure into the mix right away, vs waiting for some douchenozzle guy to reveal himself among the contestants. And what garners better ratings than two women fighting over a group of men,

The real trick is to find someone working at Vogue who isn't totally insufferable.

His opening segment on his first show back covered the apology in much more detail, plus he discussed that (apparently, also at the insistence of ESPN management) he no longer will engage in what he's referred to as "batting practice," or his habit of engaging with trolls, bullies, etc. It's also highly salient given

Bahahahahahahaha, nice to know E! really wants to torch Fashion Police until absolutely no one enjoys it or respects it. Adding Khloe Kardashian or NeNe Leakes is going to improve the situation? OK. Just change the name to C List Bitching About Fashion and be done with it ...

Fine, if you want to get into semantics: No model's contract was cut (though it would be interesting to see what occurs when those contracts are up and need to be re-signed), but the rate has most definitely been cut. The job hasn't changed - if anything, it's more demanding because the personal appearances around the

I'm mystified that you continue to support VS's stance on this, to the point that I can only wonder if you work for the parent company. You seem pretty passionate about supporting their view. And yeah, for the record, I do think VS would suffer if they switched to all models who didn't have some sort of status within

Sorry, I don't agree with this, for one simple reason: VS needs these girls to sell their product. They sell both the romance and the aspiration of this product purely via their bodies and faces. And VS both relies on and capitalizes on building their names. Miranda Kerr is Miranda Kerr largely bc of Victoria's

So, record-breaking sales, but the faces (and bodies) needed to ring up those sales make less than in the past? Nice way to do business. No wonder the profits are bigger than ever.

Could the disembodied voice be ... the ghost of JOAN?!?!??