Bear Brian

Doubt-zen Cruise ...

Don't know that I'm believing this 100 percent. I believe the money is lower, and also know VS profits aren't what they used to be. But models aren't able to book other jobs? An entire shoot will be moved around the available dates of the most important person there, and that's usually the talent. Sounds mainly like

About 10 years ago, I felt this "fluttering" in my chest every once in a while. I kept mentioning it to my male doctor, and he kept kind of brushing it off. At one point he gave me prescription-level Pepcid and said it was heartburn, and I believed him.

Yes, but she said four months ...

And what's up with his new Twitter bio? Ew.

I consider O'Reilly to be the scourge of the universe; however, can't help thinking there's a bit of karma in this. He really should have deleted the tweet prior to the mea culpa, yes?

Ha, excellent point ...

Does Jamie know it's actually six months between June and December?

Keith, Keith, Keith. Why would you do something that threatens ESPN's how-far-do-you-need-us-to-bend-over relationship with any card-carrying member of the NCAA? You're not surprised this happened, right?

Gosling: "My god, what are you grabbing?" Makes me laugh every time ...

Not for nothing, but Rivers did voicework in films we love, like Look Who's Talking and Spaceballs. She had a distinctive voice that was sought after for that work. I'm all for also recognizing the below-the-line people, but this seemed highly shortsighted and a bit of a slap in the face. Perhaps Cheryl Boone Isaacs &

Not true: Harvey to her left ...

You are absolutely almost as crazy as that self-involved idiot you idolize. Have a lovely day.

Amid all this griping about the inequities of the Academy Awards, please consider: Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, Barbara Stanwyck, Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, Peter O'Toole. None of these legends ever won a competitive Oscar. That's 100 kinds of wrong when you consider their bodies of work. Academy voting just isn't

Please, the Clooney marriage is so cliche, you know there will be a pregnancy announcement before the end of the year, and these same tabloids currently dumping on them will then run covers like, "Clooney: 'Fatherhood Has Made Me a Better Man.'"

Oh, I get it, you're a Kimye apologist and defender. Whatever, you're not going to listen to logic or reason. I've seen plenty of kids on celeb laps at fashion shows, and carried in amid the photo scrum. It never looks fun for them. They are baby-as-handbag, plain and simple.

Haha, no problem :)

Thank you! Def clarifies ...

I don't understand Nparent and Emother. Could someone illuminate?

It's not just 20 minutes - it's more like an hour or more, of being backstage first and having photos taken there, and then being jostled around as you make your way to your seat, surrounded by security guards and flashing cameras, ie, lots of strangers and flashing lights in your face, while loud music that is the