Bear Brian

To add fuel to the emperor's-new-clothes fire, check out the sloppy wet kiss planted on Yeezy's ass tonight, but only if you're prepared to do a massive eyeroll ...

I never could stand one second of The Californians, so the fact that they devoted waaaaay too much time to it vs other, far more iconic sketches, was driving me nuts. Betty White or no, I ended up yelling at the TV, "Wrap it up, for fuck's same!"

Apologies, it didn't sound rhetorical. Also, she's repped by IMG, a huge agency; you'd better believe that if there were any question about the images, any concern, they would weigh in, so I would say there is some element of creative control on her/her agency's part. SI isn't going to risk pissing off the agency that

Can't believe Anna went to that ridiculous show. So beneath her. I'm convinced Kanye has some seriously compromised photos of her, that's why she just keeps bending over like this ...

It's very possible that she pulled the bottoms down at the photog's suggestion, but it is just as possible she did it on her own. Some models just move better than others and don't need a lot of direction, others you have to talk through every click of the camera.

Admittedly I'm an old, but these illos remind me of those word games you could only read by putting a sheet of red plastic over them.

I totally get that, but other than the Ilitch family, no one else was really stepping up. And downtown isn't all about Quicken, but he's made it possible for other businesses to see the area as viable. Like many, I don't want Detroit to die, and it was on serious life support. Did it make a deal with the devil? Maybe.

While I'm not here to defend Dan Gilbert, he has to be given a great amount of credit for helping to rebuild downtown Detroit, which is a fact and valid and happening, before all the haters come out of the woodwork and start talking about ruin porn and other things they haven't a clue about because they don't live

Your point about separation of church and state may be a valid one, but unfortunately it's also perhaps too idealistic, to the point of quaint, these days. Having worked for a magazine group in which edit was constantly pressured by sales to use advertisers (and writers, including myself, were openly discouraged from

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a writer for an alt weekly in South Florida, at the same time Manson was still doing local gigs. We photographed his band for our magazine. He showed up, was very nice and polite, and had a retro metal lunchbox in his hand. He asked, "Do you want to see what's in my

Got any advice for senior-level journalists who excel in their field but were pushed out the door anyway in favor of younger, cheaper writers who don't know the difference between it's and its?

Agree with you so completely, but mainly as someone who thinks a) knees are kinda ugly, but b) covering them with a slim pencil skirt that teaches below the knee is sexy as hell. But that khaki abomination they're selling is none of those things ...

I was a waitress at a Waffle House in college. This was part of my uniform, no joke ...

So much this. I am sick of sliding all over the size chart, mainly with pants, while work-friendly basics I once loved and relied upon can no longer be found bc now everything is cutesy and cropped for 15 year olds. Dear Gap: When are you going to figure out we don't all look or dress like Alexa Chung?

Thank you for finally getting the narrative right after initially being a part of the let's-fall-all-over-ourselves-praising-this crowd ...

Really hope the Tom and Rita thing isn't true - though you have to admit, he's got the nice-guy rep so perfected, you know there's a dark side behind it. And lest we forget, Rita is the second, post-fame wife, the first, pre-fame wife long ago discarded and forgotten. If he trades Rita in for a younger model, that's

I'm a little mystified that people are falling all over themselves with this news. Here's the thing: It's an ADVERTISEMENT, not part of the magazine's editorial content. Nobody should be applauding SI for any sort of progressive step in featuring a plus-size model in their swimsuit issue; they took the money from

Sure, make it more illegal than it already is for the under-21 set. That will surely make it less enticing ...

We really need to talk about how, up close and personal, Emmy Rossum had the best dress (or two-piece look, however you care to cut it) at the SAG Awards, no question ...

Um, no, Ray Rice was the longest investigation in NFL history. And that turned out so very well.