Bear Brian

Saban's ego won't allow this to continue to be true. Look for Alabama's board of trustees to give him a "merit raise" any second now ...

Goodell gets all the votes. Anyone else pales by comparison, including athletes who were charged with/indicted on actual crimes ...

Did they release A Merry Friggin' Christmas, or was it shelved or straight to VOD after Robin Williams died? I didn't see ads for it anywhere other than posters in the theater, but it just looked awful ...

It's Cobie Smulders, actually, nickname of her given first name, Jacoba ...

I wrote something else before reading the pretty damning evidence that this is a fake. And of course you can't delete comments here, so you know, carry on, nothing to see here ...

And possibly the state that spawns our next president. God help us all.


Who shot this?

I can't wear that color. No matter what it is, I look like I'm wearing jammies. No, thanks, Jenna. Now, in black with a wider leg (and please lose the poofy gathering), or a cool black/navy scarf print in a silk? I'd be all over that ...

While I love the idea of velvet pajama pants as something you'd wear out at night, those are just fugly (cut poorly from waist to tapered leg, what looks like an elastic and drawstring waist - seriously? - with so much gathering around the hips they'll only look good if you're a size 2 or less, and in a shade of pink

So much this. I don't buy anything full price at J Crew, not because I'm a cheapskate, but because I just don't think the quality warrants the price point. They do have good sales, though ...

This isn't a gift story, but I think maybe we had the same MIL. I would come home from work to find her in my home, in the closet I shared with my (now-ex) husband, going through OUR laundry basket and taking out only HIS clothes so she could do his laundry. That he saw nothing wrong with this is chief among the

I don't know - he was passed over as Dave's replacement in favor of Colbert, apparently without even being considered. Meanwhile, Letterman's announcement of Ferguson's departure was short and lacking in heaps of praise. And as mentioned, unlike the Colbert-Stewart lovefest of the past couple of weeks, Letterman has

Is anyone planning on discussing how Craig Ferguson threw shade at Letterman and Worldwide Pants by having Jay Leno (of all people!!!!) as his very last guest? And then in the Newhart homage, he also made mention of the "cheap sets." I love Letterman, but it was kind of amazing. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart

This wasn't a Pulitzer-level story. There's a reason journalists from the start were questioning it. Not so much because of Jackie, but because the tone of the piece reads like a work of fiction. Erdely cooked her story and covered her tracks with RS's fact-checkers, and now she's hiding rather than having the balls

Serious question: Has Twitter been doing the same thing recently? Because I had a mass exodus of followers recently, and I'm hoping it's something like this and not that I've committed Twitter sins without my knowledge ...

I'm not sure whether to marvel at the proper use of PPS (vs the incorrect but oft-employed PSS), or point to that as a reason to be cynical and call bullshit on the whole thing.

While I applaud this list, I wish the links had been resources to independent kitchenware retailers, many of whom do great e-tail business, vs feeding into the corporate monolith of Amazon. These are the days when independents need the business most, as Amazon has taken the lion's share of their customers because it's

What do you expect? The guy owns a fucking monkey.

Good point!