Bear Brian

I am sort of mystified, though, that Olbermann hasn't jumped on the bandwagon of this latest story. He wants Goodell gone, you'd think he'd be all over this. Makes me wonder if, after that utter barrage, ESPN execs asked him to back off ...

Deadspin's library of Goodell portraits is nothing less than magnificent.

I guess we know what Olbermann's opener is going to be today. Not that I disagree with the choice, as Goodell is just a dumb chump who'll unfortunately never be fired. Olbermann is just such a gasbag about it.

I would never want to take a class with this guy, not necessarily bc he comes off sounding like a pompous douche, but more importantly bc he has no concept of the value of time. How long did it take for him to craft all these emails? How much is an hour of his time worth? Yeah, principle and all that, but if he can't

lol, you're funny.

Dear Dan:

Can't stand the scent at The Venetian, smells like a super heavy floral and sticks to your clothes. Scents at the Wynn and Cosmo much better. And it works, bc I can't stand walking into Venetian or Palazzo.

Thank you for this, best laugh of the day. Good gosh Dan Snyder cannot get out of his own way. Hysterical.

I don't disagree with you in spirit (no pun intended); I just prefer to call it by another name: karma. Karma works.

An excellent job of reporting and of establishing the timeline, Diana, thank you for this. My one nagging question: Why did Constand settle? After going through soooo much, after taking such brave steps to bring his criminal behavior to light, why settle? Why not remain steadfast and say, No, I want him to answer for

Do the Queen Mary from Southampton to New York. And take the Orient-Express from London to Southampton (Cunard can set that up for you while booking). The closest thing to what you're describing still exists. I did it a few years back, and it was awesome ...

Seriously, a lot of this is just sloppy. Was it even proofread by the writer before he hit submit? Doubtful.

Interesting that you place the peace and quiet after the pined-for date with the spouse, priority-wise, and yet - and yet, we see the pined-for date not at all mentioned again in any of these timeslots. Very curious, indeed.

Why was it Osama/Obama in the first place? Why not Bin Laden? This is two fuck-ups, not just one ...

For the very idea that Goodell's evasive crap has managed to turn Rice into a victim, he should be fired, plain and simple. Why isn't this happening?! Good Christ, I love football, but hate the NFL.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with your blanket assessment of Marino. I've had occasion to meet him several times while at work, and he's always been very nice. And as for cheap? No effing way ...

On behalf of these guys, I'd just like to say, "Get rid of Vick, bc karma works, bitches."

He bought the press a round of drinks? I've never wanted the Cubs to go to the World Series more ...

I'm going to respectfully add calamari and fried chicken to your list. I've never experienced either on a plane, but I have experienced both in a movie theater - a much larger, more open space - and each still stunk up the joint.

So, basically, he ages not at all.