Bear Brian

As a huge George Harrison fan, I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. It's been a while since I've watched it, and I forgot how glorious it is, from Tom Petty to Jeff Lynne to Prince's solo to Dhani's face. Amazing.

When I have to give my dog her medicine it always turns into Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller on the dining-room floor with the scrambled eggs. This guy's lucky the cute factor is mixed with a healthy dose of roly-poly ...

Everyone who thinks a 9:30 am game is so fucking awesome, please just know that the main reason is so Goodell Greed can wring as many ad-revenue dollars out of the airwaves as humanly possible. Nothing to do with the convenience of your schedule or mine, or the "glory" of all-day football. It's how every last possible

Actually he'd wear white to draw attention from the bride.

Your right to wear the jersey aside, how often are you standing vs sitting primarily so you'll be seen on TV? Because if I were sitting one to three rows directly behind you, having paid almost if not the same high-ticket price, I would utterly hate you, and deservedly so, for blocking my view.

I want to say Albert still holds a grudge for reasons of butter, but dammit, past posts prove that Albert LOVES him some butter.

Um, I know I'm not alone in thinking that wasn't an actual touchdown, bc he didn't have two feet in after the catch, yes? I love Peyton, but seriously questioning that as a TD catch ...

To answer the question in your headline, which seems to be only marginally addressed in good gosh your incredibly long treatise of a story, and again, to repeat: The answer would be, Every single freaking AFC team, and most if not all of the NFC teams as well. Cuz let's face it, most of us hate Tom Brady, the

I hope this judge and Goodell and the whole corrupt lot of money-grubbing owners set their alarms for 10 years from now, when we'll know even more about this problem and its after-effects, when more guys have taken their own lives and/or doled out their sickness-induced rage against their loved ones. Hard to believe

This is the same paper that printed this disrespectful filth, so what do you expect?

Thanks for the preview on what surely will be Olbermann's opening diatribe later today.

When Winston (finally) makes it to the NFL draft, watch for the inevitable photo of Roger Goodell's arm around him (cuz, yeah, that douchebag will still be around), and a Peter King interview in which Winston talks about his past mistakes and how much he's "matured." The whole stupid system is corrupt, and as we can

We have to let it go. Don't think it's as dire as "rebuilding year" yet. Hey, humans with penises, look at that, we know what that phrase means! Man, this stupid Men's Health story pissed me off. I could talk circles around most any NYC guy on any day, and this stupid book decides this is a good idea for a story.

The link no longer works bc, according to their Twitter account, Men's Health has deleted the story. Score one for the XX's!

Hey, fellow Tigers fan, nice to see ya here! Were you likewise screaming at the TV when Ausmus put Joba in on Friday afternoon after he so clearly imploded in Thursday? If Ausmus had gone with, say, Albuquerque, good chance Tigers would have won (as we know, they had a 3-run lead pre-Joba) and whole momentum of series

Let's see, Men's Health, once football season started I brought my iPad with me to the local pub bc that was the only place I could watch the Dolphins (I live in NY), but bc the pub only had football on its TVs, I used the iPad to watch the Tigers (briefly) make it into the postseason. Sorry, wait a second, I'll be

Actually, he has pitched a complete game before, and it was awesome.

Ha, you forgot another who's screwed us in the past: Joaquin Benoit. Bastard.

Olbermann went off the grid soon as the game ended. Figures. He'd sure be crowing about any other outcome, though, wouldn't he?

Hey, Olby, nice to see ya here ...