
That happens to me all the time! My memory is a sieve for everything except song lyrics. I have taken extra special precaution to never listen to that song “Friday” tho, because of how annoying and earwormy everyone says it is.

Right? I don’t purposely listen to very much music, but I would never try to brag that I’ve never heard somebody’s songs. Isn’t it pretty much logically impossible to say you haven’t heard ANY songs by a particular artist? Like, if you’ve never heard them sing, how do you know what they sound like? There are a TON of

Ack, it’s already begun!

And yet poor Kara will probably have to deal with 10 different publications calling this “shade.”

Oh don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there’s anything particularly wrong with eating placenta. I might do it if I ever had a baby.

Or! She might borrow her neighbor’s food dehydrator without telling them at the time what she’s using it for, and dehydrate it herself.

They were originally gonna go in through his mouth, but at the last minute they were able to figure out the difference between his anus and his constantly-puckered lips.

Amen. Fuck AirBnB.

Haha, love your example!

Not. Enough. Punctuation.!

...And it’s not just that he thinks she’s a disgusting fat uggo, it’s that he has to openly call attention to it WITH HER RIGHT THERE NEXT TO HIM to make sure nobody seeing those photos thinks that he likes fat uggos. Sad!

Whoa I did not know that about Meyers. My parents have a tree in their front yard that I suspect is a Meyer Lemon tree. I’ll have to share that info w my mom!

Ugh, yes, the use of attack dogs infuriates me to no end. Like, if you want to bloody up some protesters, at least own your disgusting, violent behavior and do it your fucking self. Let people see you beating some poor kid bloody.

I used to live in CA and there was a lot of talk about Africanized bees and how they were interbreeding w the normal bees and creating more aggressive (but not totally insane like the pure africanized bees) hybrids. No idea of that’s factual, but that could maybe be an explanation?

Oh man, yes. I ate so much fruit as a kid and have overindulged in just about every kind. Terrible gas, diarrhea, constipation, sores in your mouth, acid eating a hole in your stomach...this guy is not living his best life.

“With our physical limitations largely due to our ever eroding unnatural diet. I’ve chosen to eliminate foods that aren’t made in nature, exclusively by nature, in their natural state.

“It’s as if male characters are free to embody whichever physique best communicates their personality or abilities, but when it comes to the design of female characters, that kind of imagination or creativity doesn’t seem to exist”

“Values start in the home” sounds great on a Hallmark card, but not everyone has caregivers who are teaching them positive values, and only a very small minority of American parents know anything at all about affirmative consent.

Excellent point, and while none of my friends currently have kids yet, I’ll definitely put that into practice if I ever have kiddos in my life.

Oh God you’re right, I hadn’t even noticed that they cut it down the top! What kind of monster even does that? That makes the picture even more disturbing.