
Honestly it wouldn’t even need to be part of sex ed. Affirmative consent could be taught in every preschool and kindergarten classroom. We could teach kids: ask other kids before you tickle them, hug them, or otherwise enter their personal space. Get their enthusiastic permission every time.

And this is my own pupper who I suspect may be part Havanese (he’s a rescue from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, so I figure some rich American may have brought some over and maybe he’s a descendant)

Havis are the best! This is my coworker pupper (belongs to the owner and comes in to work every day:

Finally a TRUE expert! I agree, prob havanese, possibly bichon mix or Maltese mix. Not a poodle.

You can’t g get straight to the door of the plane without a ticket.

“to have sex with two women under 18-years-old”

Oh wow, I did not know that! Ok, I take back calling her a Becky. I’m biracial myself, and I don’t want to side with the people complaining that she isn’t black enough.

Oh, do people pronounce it wine-r? Yeah, that would be the original German/Jewish pronunciation.

Ugh yes, he really could not sing. I realized that the song I like of theirs is one where he does no noticeable singing and leaves it all to the girl.

Yeah, chainsmokers, that’s them. I know/enjoy a couple of their songs and I thought their performance was good enough, but nowhere near the high point of the evening. And like, the confetti seemed a bit much for what was not anywhere near a high point, imho.

Yep, the ei means it actually should be pronounced like “whiner.”

Ugh yes, and I happened upon a godawful article by Vanity Fair about how Britney did a decent job unlike the rest of the lackluster performances that “not even Nick Jonas” could liven up. The article also calls out that duet by whichever Becky/Chad duo did the number with all the confetti at the end, as one of the

I highly, highly doubt that any of the higher-profile women at Fox confided in, supported, or advised each other about the sexual harassment they experienced. I’m sure there was unspoken understanding of what other women were also going through, but women helping other women? That’s, like, that nasty feminism stuff

I know, this is testing my faith in fire starters soooo much. I may just get both sun and moon so I can main rowlett and trade myself the firekitten just to keep up tradition.

You forgot that you are also somehow supposed to go to HR about these things, whilst simultaneously quitting, not letting it happen to you, and not ruining the poor harrasser’s reputation/life.

Hillary’s mom was abandoned. Not Hillary.

Right??? I LOLed so hard I cried. Ok, maybe I just cried. Actually, I sorta blacked out after reading that sentence, so it’s all a bit of a blur.