
How on earth do you expect admissions people to not discriminate based on that knowledge, do you not see or just not care that that would disproportionately affect black applicants?

What? Are you seriously suggesting that kids who apply to college should have their PARENTS’ background check/criminal record considered in admissions? And somehow saying that that simultaneously wouldn’t be punishing the kids for the sins of their fathers, yet somehow would have helped in this situation? By.....?

The data for pokestops and such was all seeded from Ingress. So it really comes down to, how many hipster ingress users were there in a given neighborhood.

Yeah, no prob! I was surprised myself to find it there. Nintendo isn’t often so forthcoming about pricing.

$10, per nintendo.

Agreed! And that’s such a perfect description of the video. A still shot of Hillary with her arm out (she could have been waving side to side) is not the same as a video of grimly setting your jaw and doing a Nazi power salute.

The flat-front schoolbus seemed anachronistic to me and the bf. Does anybody know if those were really a thing in a small town in 1983? Wikipedia suggests the “transit-style” schoolbus didn’t gain market share till 1986, and didnt really take off till the 90s.

AND they will yell at the protesters on the other side to “get a job!” That’s pretty much their standard battlecry, along with variations of yelling “get back on the boat” to people who were mostly born here.

With the 3 step glitch right now, even the relative distances are messed up. I was with a big group of people trying to find a diglett in a park last night, and it didn’t show up till it was at the bottom right of everyone’s screens.

Ugh yesss. I’ve really wanted some higher-end action figures of Rey and Finn and they just don’t get as much meechandise! Like, yes, they are a woman and a black dude, but...hello...also the two MAIN CHARACTERS of the movie?!?

As a girl who grew up around male cousins who didn’t want to play with the “gross” girl action figures like April from TMNT, your comment makes me want to cry years of happiness. Like seriously, I’m getting a li’l choked up. That is so awesome! <3

Yesssssss. I’m going to pretend that your second post isn’t even a double post, and that I’m the one who typed it the second time around. Because I agree with every single word SO MUCH.

Thank you, that is fascinating info that explains sooo much about my writing!

“Hello, this is John Barron. I work for the Donald J. Trump campaign. The Donald, I call ‘im. Great guy, amazing guy really. Has the best ideas for America, and yuuge hands, let me tell you. Anyways, I’m calling to ask...does he...have any other VP options?”

The greengrocer’s apostrophe is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

I was relieved when “she” said in the interview,

This show is so unwatchable. My bf luuurves sports shows and has a soft spot for garbage TV, but even he couldn’t make it through a full episode.

Ughhh, I haaaate it when people act like cous-cous is somehow healthier than pasta. Bitch, it IS pasta. You just ate a macaroni salad, is what you did.

Ooh, thanks, I may try one of those next time we are having a super lazy day.

Portland’s delivery deadzones are THE WORST! (#firstworldproblems, I know). Dominos is all we can get delivered in our neighborhood too. Well, that and this great Indian place that for some reason has us listed within their radius even though they really shouldn’t.