
Wow, I can only imagine how icky he must be in person.


Aww, thanks, I love this gif!

I am sorry that happened to you, and that people have reacted so wrongly to your opening up about it. You are 1000% justified to rant as much as you need to.

“Having the entire world hating you must suck way worse than being some anonymous faceless dude behind bars forever.”

“I think being out there and not being able to live the life you thought you were entitled to is far worse than being locked up.”

Most human STDs originally come from our ancient (disgusting) ancestors fucking sheep and pigs and such. And male chimps and dolphins will use smaller animals as, like, a fleshlight.

Thank you SOOO much for this article!

THC is the compound that unfortunately most people have been breeding their plants for in the past decades. But CBD and some others are the ones that help w pain. As more legalization and medical research happens, we’ll get strains with much higher CBD and virtually no THC. Even now, there are many high CBD strains

I just want to know where she got that tank top! Anybody know what brand it is?

Portland, OR represent! Woo!

Yeah, I was very confused. There’s a HUGE difference between “we will send in the state guard to make sure no blacks enter this school” and “we have a shitty school that only poor black people go to, and a nice school in a nice area where the good white people live”

I think the interracial thing is mostly that they want to keep a white person in every relationship because, otherwise, how would it still be interesting and worthwhile??

And these Dominos employees are an example of the minimum-wage-earning “burger-flippers” that so many people don’t think deserve to actually earn a livable wage. Sigh.

Haha, I resort to the arm shelf bra thing all the time when I don’t have a bra on!

Very hotly debated! And just fyi yours is the WRONG opinion and you should feel bad!

Eewwww, that one is SO overripe. Only good for smoothies or banana bread or bananas foster at this point.

Yeah, I live in Oregon and a lot of rural folks are the exact same way about the timber industry, railing about how environmentalists and the spotted owl killed their jobs.

Show of hands: does anybody else think Arsenio Hall looks SO MUCH like Tim Curry? The resemblance is so uncanny to me, but my bf says I’m crazy. Anybody back me up, here?

They rebooted* the video game series a few years ago (there have been 2 games so far starring the new version of lara), and this is probably a film adaptation of that.