
Ha, that’s cute! I imagine that’s how my bunny would describe it. He seems to give me these looks when he’s doing it, like, “what? I’m eatin’ mah poops! NBD!"

Fun fact: all bunnies eat their own shit! Since they don’t have multiple stomachs like a cow, they just cycle grass thru their systems multiple times.

Sounds like it will be a movie version of the recent reboot of the video game series, which was actually really well done, imho. Lara was a believable female character, which is sadly still rare in video games these days.

Word. this will be my new tattoo.

Not recommended. I’ve learned my lesson about playing Cards Against Humanity with the wrong people. Boehner and all his ilk will be the ones to play the most racist/misogynistic/rapey/homophobic/transphobic card combos and then laugh at them at face value, not out of any sense of transgressiveness. And then, since

Don’t give up hope! There are lots of brands out there that run the full spectrum of sizing and have sexy designs. Panache, Donna Karan, Natori, Freya are some off the top of my head. is a great place for reviews and sizing info. You should definitely still have cute bras!

PSA: Don’t get fitted at a department store or a “sexy” lingerie store if you can help it. Those people are usually not actually trained to do a FOR REALZ, LIFE-CHANGING fit. They’re more likely to make you settle for whatever sizes they have on hand.

Lots of states have terribly lax laws about which exotic animals you can keep as pets without needing any special permits or inspections. IIRC, Texas is one of them; my home state of Oregon is pretty bad too.

Ha, this sounds like another terrible mixed metaphor that a friend used recently. She posted on fb that her new husband (and thus her kids’ new stepdad) had “stepped up to the plate that another man left at the table”

Thank you for articulating that! I couldn’t figure out why I felt weird about the headwraps. They have proved that the uncanny valley can extend to hair styling.

Yeah, and another thing: how do we even know you are a person and not actually a cat that is really good at typing?? NightSand and I have you ALL FIGURED OUT. Now get outta here with your stories about racism. Go on, shoo, you bad cat!

Celery. One of the things they’re calling her this week is Celery Clinton. (Maybe bc there’s a “sell” sound in there? I dunno. But I actually laughed out loud at the immaturity of that one. That’s like, a kindergarten-level insult.

Ha, that’s a great way of putting it! Agreed.

Trying to think of a funny and/or ironically humblebraggy way to put this. But I can’t so, I’ll just say: I’m a woman and I’m pretty sure I’m super duper good at ‘em. So I’ve been told.

This is a v important question! (Replying so I remember to check back in case someone has an answer) (!!!)

Umm, I’m sorry, but this is not one of those MTV rock-n-roll-threads you kids are all so crazy about these days. John Kasich does not have any Taylor Swift tickets for you, so I really have no idea why you bothered.

I’m really sorry that happened to you. I want to send out a big rage-filled “fuck you” to every police officer who refuses to take a rape report. My friend went through a similar situation with the cops.

How was bitch planet?

Very much this. I read that there’s a Japanese funeral custom where the body is cremated, but only to the point where the bones are still intact. The family then sifts through ashes, picking out the bones to put them in the urn.

Ewwwww, that is horrifyingly apt.