
I assume that’s a reference to David Bowie’s not-actually-heterochromatic eyes. His “brown” eye was actually just a blue eye that was permamently dilated from an injury.

I agree with you for the most part, but I think his narcissism has to be taken into account too. I think he prob does still want to fuck his daughters, because in his mind they are his property and/or his creation. To him, they are the MOST fuckable women on the planet, because they’re his, and everything he

I’m a lady between the legs wiper. I feel ya. My mind is blown. Standing up and/or reaching around the back sounds INSANE.

IMHO it really wasn’t that bad. Yeah there was a lot of shit that didn’t make sense, and the writing wasn’t great, but the bad parts weren’t painful, and the good parts (WW and a few other moments) made the movie worth watching. (For the record, I liked it more than GotG...other than Groot and Rocket and the


Agreed. There’s a certain level of vitriol that people reserve for when they say they hate a black person for a whatever alleged reason, but you can tell it’s hugely influenced by their racism. Like the people that hate (like, hate hate) Obama or Cam Newton.

From what I’ve seen, if people are going to be underhandedly transphobic about Jenner, they usually do so via criticizing her fame-whoriness. I really don’t think that people calling her out on her political stance are coming from a place of transphobia.

Agreed. There will always be trauma survivors who say all sorts of stupid shit. I don’t blame this guy for thinking that way, but it sure as hell shouldn’t stop people from calling his ideas out as complete BS.

SO MUCH THIS. I am effing tired of people talking about black America’s problems as something that can be solved by helping/teaching/encouraging/making richer/giving jobs to black people. How about we do something about the way white people and white institutions treat black people, hmmmm?

Aw, I didn’t know that about Queen. So sad. Glad she at least made it through that in one piece, unlike Kanye. :(

This. If you are mixed and not clearly recognisable as “black,” people abroad will interpret your race in whatever way suits them best, whether that be for better or for worse. Most Germans assume I’m a Turkish immigrant and therefore are shittier to me. On the upside, other brown people often think I’m whatever

I think what broke him is that he probably blames himself for her death. She died of complications from fairly innocuous cosmetic surgery, which she wouldn’t have gotten if her newly-rich son hadn’t paid for it. It’s gotta be terrible to reach the success you’ve always dreamed of, but to have that success contribute

I doubt that’s a minority opinion. I think most of the people who ever liked Kanye, liked him best back before his mom died and before the Kardashians. My friend is a huge fan, and loves how he was in his early days, rapping about how college sucks and stuff. He’s still holding out hope that Ye will get through

He lived that long?? That is a wonderful thing to hear! I have a Flemish Giant and am hoping that he lives a decently-long life.

The one in the OP is a much more common size. The really huge 30-50 pounders you see on the internet are pretty rare and mostly from specific beeeding stock in the UK. Most of the Flemmies you see at rescues or at rabbit shows are the size of that guy up there. I posted pics of my Femish (in the grays) and he’s only

And this is him as a baby (so big already!):

He looks just like my boy Bumi! This is him begging for treats along with my dog. They are both about 14 lbs. (Srry for the poor quality. I had better photos taken at the local rabbit rescue, but I haven’t gotten them back from the photographer yet.)

I’m 30 and this EXACT scenario just happened to me last night. Just stab me right through the heart, dad.

True story:

They know who I am and I know who they are!