
what I hate about it is the fact that I can't seem to talk to anyone anymore unless I have a facebook account because I have no fracken idea what they are saying when they start using facebook terms. I hate that online is starting to be the only way I can talk to any one

Is that you mom?!

they do this so that if a couple splits or you get pissed at someone you can't call in and say it is stolen, but is an officer of the law calls then there are steps that we can do to help then

I work for Apple and know that there is NO stolen item "flag"

They're not promoting Fox or the NFL they are promoting themselves. It is advertisement for the Air Force

I am sick and tired of the fracken pics not opening

2 things

Not exactly what I meant, but hey at least you still can put some humor in there.

Hipsters didn't read this, they are all to Liberal to read the Huffington

Obama damaged the DNC himself. Remember the mess he calls a Health Care Bill.

can some one explain to me WTF a meme is

You have to love the U.S. Army Sniper's

@Shawn Pero: sorry, what was that? From what I have seen in the news it was your non American Democrat President that killed the Space Program

@St Genji: This isn't Ebay buddy. But that is a Great idea, we need to get together and try and figure this out.

@Jurai: You better watch it, is said something like and I got my account suspended.

Pentex sucks!!. They drain the life force of my tribe. Pentex sucks! ... All Bonegnawers suck

@DebosBike: there was a something about apples here, where?

Burglary 101:

I know that the WoW players say they pay to play because their money is for server maintenance but I still don't think any game is worth $50 to buy plus $15 a month, 15x12+50=230. $230 for the first year of playing, no game is worth that.

I think that this stuff with Assange is just like the the deal with Al Capone in the early 1900's. He is really messing up but he is as slippery as a fish, so they are trying to get anything to stick on him so he will stop leaking sensitive documents that are putting peoples lives at risk.