don't forget to set private browsing and to reset your browser and delete the history and end remove the cookies
don't forget to set private browsing and to reset your browser and delete the history and end remove the cookies
sorry this is fracken lame then
that has to exclude the people that made the new giz site, they have to be brain dead to think this will work
I have never heard of something this crazy before.
now that is just silly
I hope so I liked using Nokia, they were good phones, hell I even did a report on them in a business class I took in college.
haven't been able to see a damn thing since this new format started. Picture wise that is I can still read the stories
i hope we get over this 3d craze and go back to the good old 2d movies, just like Gizmodo should go back to the old format
this is the best thing to be on this site since they changed the format
that is one stupid professor
I am not gonna do it on every poset but I will do it for a day or two or until they suspend my account, but silly them I have 2 accounts here
no problem just pass the ca.giz link on to as many as you can and maybe they will realize we hate the new site
It would have been a lot prettier I think if they had used Droid
Back when Fight Club first came out we had a fight club in my Army unit. You would be walking down the line in the motorpool and you would get pulled between the trucks and you had to start fighting or get your ass kicked.
this is super sweet but it still doesn't make up for the fact that the new way the site looks sucks
I thought the RCC would be happy since this would lessen the chance of some priest molesting a parishioner
I would like to see one of these for my ipod I know it won't happen but it would be nice.
someone needs to fill that job that will make better decisions.
Hey Jason, how about you stop writing articles and get the website working like it did last week. This new view is horrible. I would rather sit though the directors cut of Titanic than view this site. But alas I have no other choice since I am very limited on what I can look at here at work.