
@Darth Meow 504: You know, this is really gonna come out nerdy but this is how I describe politics. It is like Star Wars, both the Sith and Jedi want the same thing, peace in the galaxy. They just want to get there different ways, the Sith want to remove all that don't agree with them and the Jedi want all to get

@Darth Meow 504: by smaller government, I want a government that is slim lined, not bloated. One where the regulations of one agency doesn't cause trouble with the regulations of another one. One where a lay person can look at the rules/laws and not get confused. What we had 200 years ago.

@Darth Meow 504: I say that I hate myself for saying that because I want our government smaller not making more regualtions

That was all SKILL,l-u-c-k, skill

@Badlands99: Ok, I will be the first to say that some of the regulatory groups are to zealous and need to be reigned in, your story is a good example. What I am trying to get at is at this point we are at over 10% unemployment and companies keep sending jobs off to third world countries, as much as I hate myself for

@Badlands99: Darth Meow has the best response to this that I could think of, just read and try and comprehend what he is saying.

@Darth Meow 504: Thanks you Master for the support in the argument with Badlands99 those are all great points and very true.

@Badlands99: Hey it just an idea, something needs to be done to keep jobs in America. And the reason companies go over seas is cheap labor, but we can't afford the product because we have no job. Pay American's a little more than you pay that 8 year old in Indonesia and then we would be freaking happy to buy the

@wizzard419:On that I say that we need to tax the hell out of companies that take jobs out of America and give them to foreign citizens. They need to keep jobs in America

@wizzard419: Incandescents may suck up the power, but at least they don't release mercury into the environment if they aren't disposed of in a proper manner like CFL's.

@SageofMusic: Yeah I do, those of us that work on it daily here at Applecare hate the restrictiveness of the iOS. The hardware is fine once the iOS has been Broken and you are able to get the full functionality of the hardware and iOS

@DavidWizard: I go off of what I see on a daily basis, I work for Applecare and there are about 500 of us here and the vast majority of us have some form of Droid or a Jailbroken iphone because even we don't like the restrictions put on us by Apple when it comes to what we can' and can't do on our phones.

@DavidWizard: The iphone was a good phone when it came out and put a fire under everyone's butt. But they need to update it more often for it to be a good phone in my opinion. Apple comes out with a new version that is a great phone for about 4 months before it is copied. But they still promote it like it was sent

How can you say the iphone is a top gadget. It is an over priced paper weight

@MrPistachio: No dude, that is crying. Those are nice pics but only a sissy would cry over pics of a few tree's

@My name is Nelson, I like to dance!: The hardware used in the MBA's are all about 2 years old, there is nothing that revolutionary about them. They are light because they are only half a computer. Though I do love the SSD, but it would be better if it had the SSD as a boot drive and a normal HD for a storage drive

I really do like the tech and would to see this used in the Super Bowl.

Hell's yeah. I want this.

When I was in the U.S. Army all the tear gas did to me was give me a little sinus drainage. My Drill Sergeant said this is a sign of someone that smoked a lot of pot before they joined the Army.