Macbook needs to have a SSD boot drive with a standard 2" SATA drive for storage, USB3, and an optical drive because there are people like me that still love having the physical media.
Macbook needs to have a SSD boot drive with a standard 2" SATA drive for storage, USB3, and an optical drive because there are people like me that still love having the physical media.
@beanperry: # correction
No comedy list is complete with out George Carlon, Cheech and Chong, Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes, and Bob And Tom
@Norbs: just because your a prude and don't perform sex outside of your bed room or in any other position than missionary doesn't mean the Japanese are perverted.
@Ron-Yr-Ar-Ttam: that i s no prob, I am sorry if I came off sounding like an ass, I just hate people thinking all Pagan's are sacrificing chickens and the such. Thanks for the little back and forth I do so enjoy a good one, with some intelligence, which seems to be harder to find on this site everyday.
@Ron-Yr-Ar-Ttam: Not all of the Pagan's performed sacrifice's. The druids of most the celtic world did not believe in sacrifice, because they wouldn't kill what the God's created.
I like the idea of summoning Takhisis and catching a ride on her back. Wait a minute, not everyone is a is a kick ass Arch Mage like me and can control that evil bitch.
This sounds like me 2 years ago when I was a meth head. Damn I was paranoid.
@maythetechbewithyou: I agree 100%. I just got custody of 2 of my kids and would never as a single father allow my babies out of my site long enough to even fart with out me there.
This makes me want to go down and purchase the game Operation. I miss cutting into a good game.
you should see South Korea
@Ron-Yr-Ar-Ttam: Listen my little christian pal, I am a Pagan and have been for about 20 year. and the Celtic Pagans(Druids) were not all that into killing animals for there food or for rituals. So please stop spreading these false-hoods.
Sauron has found them
For over thirty thousand years, which makes them one of the oldest forms of life ever discovered on Earth.
And this is how it all ends. A bacteria starts the Zombie Apocalypse.
but will it tell you your midichlorian count
@Clixx13: that is the roll of a parent to guide the kids, not to let the community guide them.
@palinsmissinglogic: I always have thought of the helmet like an air bag that helped cushion and dissipate the impact. So a helmet that does that better can only be a good thing.
@Clixx13: I have enjoyed this little back and forth
@Clixx13: to me during the school years kids are still trying to find who they are, and a repressive society that force children to dress alike is making a generation of automatons.