
throw the ring in Mr. Frodo!!

I am waiting till I can get Angry birds on my TV before I buy an appletv

where was this when I was a young aspiring nerd 15 years ago

@Bryce Jamison: I googled the fail whale and I still have no idea what a fail whale is

@Clixx13: @Clixx13: I still am a firm believer in the freedom of expression that is granted to all American's. I also know that there is no way to keep from offending someone, someone will always be offended by something.

This is my life, i work for Applecare and have to deal with customers all day that can't even find the power button

I still am a firm believer in every American's right to free speech. You can't throw in that BS about offending someone, no matter what you say you are going to offend someone.

@C.JeremyDurden: @C.JeremyDurden: I know the deal, I was suspended from high school for wearing a Nirvana concert tee that something along the lines of "I'm a pot smoking, fudge packing, Satan worshiping, Motherfucker". I knojw the cursing was a bit much but I still am a firm believer in every American's right to

This might get me banned but I think it is BS that I lost my star for saying the same thing that others on this thread have said about this being a repost.

Ok, I like to see the pics of Rosa and Kat, but, they have shown this same post like 6 times in the last month. Slow news days don't mean that you have to give us a run down on your staff. What is next they are gonna show us the waitress's at the Hooters store they go to for lunch(again I wouldn't mind that)

If you jailbreak your iphone you can use the MyFi feature and use it as a hotspot.

@mj7: you're right it isn't politically correct and neither is the white trash out there. I know I am the black sheep in a white trash family(i like to live in a clean house and be sober).

@C.JeremyDurden: Where are we going in this world when our freedom of speech and expression are stripped from us. Oh yeah we are in Communist China

@Al Alexon: for real, if Microsoft will let people hack the Kinect thing then why the hell can't we hack our PS3

@Robert Anhalt: That statement was supposed to be more along the lines of why use a OS for a phone on a computer, if it is made to work on both then educate me, smart ass.

OK I admit I don't know much about the Android OS, but isn't it an OS for smartphones. I would want an OS that is made for a computer on my computer.

@TaliaBurlington: yes sorry, about that I am at work and don't have time check my spelling

a laser pointer in each hand and this would be so much fun

@Curves: More like indentured servants at the best