
@cgarison: The bullet holes are camouflage

if there is a 70% fail rate then why in the hell keep them. In most other industries a failure rate that high would be cut off like a cancer

@tusing: that is Gul Ramming Shiny

I feel sorry for the 747, it has moved shuttles for so long and now it has to move this little dinky thing.

@ninjamurf: First off, yes I can spell and rather nicely. Secondly read what I said, use the tools at your disposal, if all you have is a pen and paper, then yes you better know how to spell. I really get upset when people think with their head up their ass

Hey I had a college professor tell me that it isn't cheating to use all the tools you have at your disposal.

@MikeofLA: Because the new one sucks

Can't wait for Cydia to find a way to Break this

@DavidWizard: Well any employer has the right to block its employees from seeing sites, I know my current one does

I hate to admit it but the Government does have a right to block its employees from site the could put there other employees in harms

This isn't the cure, Dick Chaney has the cure locked away in a vault at Halaburton

@streeeeetch: Sometimes, most of them have been in DC for so long that they couldn't tell you what their home town looks like

@Groo8: Put a DeathStar on the rear then an X-Wing on the from and on the band Saving you from the TSA

@streeeeetch: True but the way that the government is going about it is making us fear them. The People of should never fear their government, the government should fear us.

so take a $10 set of head phones and put the words Star Wars on then and charge $50

@streeeeetch: I am a "privacy whiner" and simply put I feel like the government should fear the people, not the people fear the government. This mess has gone to far. It is still safer to fly than drive. Going off the logic that people like you use then every car needs a shrink in it to see if you are in the

@Stetrain: NOW you see the truth

@Stetrain: That only works for Chuck Norris


this is the best sounding theory I have heard, next to the aliens coming from the sky and doing it. Alien dominos.