
I hate you Giz I am on a diet and you are making me want to break it for breakfast

If FASA was still around I would tell them to sue about this, someone stole their Gauss Rifle.

Shooting Spanish Fly, I need to learn that trick

As an IT professiona I know that security is the hardest thing, especially physical security. There really is no fail safe way to keep security secure unless you are an asshole and do a 100% lock down

I miss the days when Nokia was a good phone. they need to get on the smartphone wagon and become a contender again

Amazon won't get shut down they have to much redundancy with their servers and honestly just to damned many

Reminds me of Al Capone and how he was arrested for anything the Feds could find

@DavidWrightstuff: At one point in my life I use to work for the Fed. I know that there is stuff being hid from us. For the most part it is hidden from us so that it will be hidden from the rest of the world. But some of it is hidden because they don't think we can handle the truth(damn I hate sounding so damned

@Jakooboo- THE DRUMS!: I am with you on this stop the waste, there people across our great country that don't have an idevice and are in need of one right now or they may die from not being cool

Get rid of the BCS. Come on if it is good enough for the college basketball teams to do a bracketed tourney then why not have the football teams do it to.

Look at the size of that watch

@DavidWrightstuff: I never called the government idiot's I called them criminals

@DavidWrightstuff: with this government, yeah it does make sense. They couldn't tell you the difference between their own head and a horse's ass much less make a good decision

I hate my employer, they have blocked me from seeing most vids and pics on the internets

Anything would be better than this mud they call coffee here at work

those poor soldiers, what a waste of good men

Great, so when was I gonna be told that the yuuzhan vong were in our system