
@Mira Mi Huevo!!!: I use to live in Austin for about 10 years(I left about 4 years ago) and that is the most liberal place I have ever seen. Anyone that isn't up the Democratic Donkey's ass is considered a Conservative Fascist.

@blyan-reloaded: Christmas is based off of Yule, Easter is based Oester. Those are the 2 big ones stolen from the Pagan

@blyan-reloaded: I would be ok with getting rid of the Christian holidays, I am a Pagan

It also looks like she has a headphone set for an iphone as well

@pwnerjam6.0: I think we all were thinking that

@Netscott: Come on life isn't fun unless you take some risks

@Two Dogs One Bone: The retarded ones are the ones that believe wikileaks are doing nothing wrong

@SG-17: Thanks you. They are a terrorist group, and they could end up causing the death of countless Americans

@Brian Schlosser: I don't mind if someone leaks documents from a foreign country. It is leaking sensitive American Docs that upsets me, some of that stuff may cause some of our own people to die.

@blyan-reloaded: Yes, but when my people came here they did it the LEGAL way. I have no problem with LEGAL immigrants, but the ILLEGAL ones need to be sent back to what ever 3rd world country they came from.

@TD99: can't really blame the employer for wanting to save money. But I can blame him for breaking federal law against hiring illegals. But I can also blame the Government for not enforcing their own laws

@blyan-reloaded: I am at work I can only guess what the video looks like.

@blyan-reloaded: I used to work in the construction industry those Frackers are the reason I no longer do, it isn't that they do the jobs Americans won't do it is the fact that they do the job for a fifth of what us real American would do it for

@blyan-reloaded: I agree with ya send the free loading frackers back to mexico

@blyan-reloaded: Have you ever been in a situation where it is either you coming home in a box or on your own 2 feet, if not then shut up

I was thinking the other day and came to the conclusion that Anger Birds is a sexist game.

The Wikileaks people need to be arrested and sent to a prison with no windows and forgotten about.

@beanperry: I am not one to call my friends a liar if they tell me something I can't personally validate.

@Liquidmark: I haven't quit because here in Kentucky jobs are few and far between and I have child support to pay and the people I know that work in the store all work at the Genius Bar and say that make $18/hr

They should make this legal. We spend millions on trying to stop it but I still can get it and the drug cartels make BILLIONS off this shit. Tax it like we do tobacco and be done with this fucking deficit