
Why the fuck are they looking at old sites and not stopping the illegal activity at our border with Mexico. They are after all the IMMIGRATIONS department, they should be stopping the damned illegals from coming to our country and not stopping web sites.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: it is sad, but I don't want to bitch to much Stevey might come down and rain down hell fire on my day

@beanperry: That is as far as I am going on this site, you never know who is watching

With this logic then you should remove forks from the lunchroom. I stabbed a dude with fork in lunch for putting food on my head

The people I know that work in the Apple store say that the only reason they stay there is because they get paid more than 18 dollars an hour to lie to people about how wonderful the Apple product is. They all know that you can buy a better computer at wal mart and then go home and either Hacintosh it or put Linux on

Yeah, This was new to me like 25 years ago when I was 6. Since then I take steel wool and batteries with me when ever I go camping

This would be cool if we were going to be getting a human out of the atmosphere anytime in the next 15 years.

I grew up on a farm and nothing looked odd with those pics. The problem with America today is there are way to many wussies in it.

This was a good movie, the first 3 months I heard about it. It has been out for a year now, for the love of the Gods please stop talking about a dragon raper

just give me a Hustler and I will be happy

@xsbs: you are just afraid to see the horror that makes your food.

@marythegr8: Sure Brain, but where are we gonna find a weed wacker and a rubber chicken at this hour?

@fughedaboudit: That is why there are so many damned Christians and so few of us Pagans, we educate our women and let them do what they want.

Go to and watch the peta tv it has several of these kinds of documentaries about animal abuse in the food industry

To hell with flying snakes. I am looking out for the flying Man-Bear-Pigs!!

@The Squid: America won't do that, not as long as we have a wussy like Obama in office. I miss you W

Got to give it to #10. Anyone that uses "art" to get a women's clothes off is a hero in my book

If you were to put a wig on this thing it would be sexy

@mruler360: you must not read this site that often. The articles about the TSA show how they abuse there power.