
@blyan-reloaded: your lucky I can't even view the damned video at work

The TSA remind me of the Nazi SS troops. They are nothing but a bunch of thugs that are high on imaginary power.

@soldstatic: I see said that bling man to his deaf wife. I don't think most of the people that walk though those doors even know how to play a guitar.

OK i under stand the Tweeting and blogging stuff, but no acoustic guitars, it is a "music" recording studio, last time I looked acoustic guitars were musical. Unlike Kanye.

TSA is a joke, the do nothing. Doing all this is making OBL laugh at us

They never should have won anything, I am so happy that the 90's saw the return of rock and the steady decline of the garbage like.

May Please have my star back I won't bad mouth anyone for at least 6 months this time, I promise!

I haven't used either in over a month. I prefer the interface for Myspace but I like the fact that Facebook has little to no advertisements.

@Curves: You would think a Princess would be able to afford some earmuffs or a toboggan.

Pluto is and always be a planet!

@LastAndLeast: Loss of signal strength hasn't bothered Apple yet has it, they still put out iphone 4's because people are dumb and want the status symbol iphones are

that's a big lens

@roseofmay: MythBusters proved that as a myth

@Curves: It is comments like this that make me proud to have hearted and starred you.

I saw this preview last night and had to go change my shorts. I loved it and wanted to see it NOW

For the life of me I can't recall where I read this, but I read an article about a group of Australian scientist that were able to put a dog into suspended animation by removing the blood and replacing it with a type of anti freeze and keeping the body right above the freezing point. The dog was kept like that for

I've noticed that a certain motion gains loads of pleasure in my bedroom!!!

More power to you Fei Lam. If Apple won't bring the white iphone to us then they shouldn't stop you from doing what they have promised.

The format for facebook suck. I love the format for myspace.