
Anything would have been better than knowing more of our money is going into Yoko's pocket. Can some one please put a bag over her head it is scaring me

who cares it is just a game

@anitesh.jaswal: This sounds like the cries of a virgin if I have ever heard one

@Sniggles: This would so rock at Spring Break for dwarf tossing

@Darth_Bean: I Love Foamy. All shall bow down to His Squirrely Wrath.

@Gremsi: or for ipods, I hate iphones and will not go that far into

If you are ever at a truck stop look for something called a

Once again I have to let this out, I can't stand the interface that

I am looking for the torrent for this already

Call me old fashioned ,but I have both a facebook and a myspace account, and I hate facebook. I can't stand the layout. I get lost everytime I get on it.

Call me old fashioned ,but I have both a facebook and a myspace account, and I hate facebook. I can't stand the layout. I get lost everytime I get on it.

Just one more nail in the coffin of my childhood dreams of going to space.

@Hammer_of_Justice: Hell we had the chance to get him when Bill Clinton was in office. 3 times 2 different governments came to us and said we have Bin Laden come and get him. And 3 times Clinton said he was no threat to us, after the Taliban had taken the blame for killing our Marines earlier in his term. If Billy

All Glory to the HypnoToad. He will not lead you wrong

@Hammer_of_Justice: oh boo hoo you liberal weeny, we need to continue to bomb that place back to the stone age, or until we find Bin Laden's rotten corpse.

@K2THEM: hey this is a Disney movie, why can't she make a cameo

waiting on this is like waiting for sex I hate the wait, but love what comes after the wait.

I love seeing stuff like this. My mom has glaucoma and really wants to see her grandchildren, I wish this stuff was cheaper and worked better so she could see her babies for the first time.

@robots199: You should be ashamed of yourself, coming to this sight and not having the proper respect for Dirk.