
@Abner Santos: The simple fact that a grown man would try to show his junk to any child should be enough to make you sick unless you are the sick fracker showing his junk to a kid. And in that case yes I would want to kill the sick guy showing my daughter his junk.

Kind of pointless to check this site, there is nothing fresh on Giz.

Well this is one thing that they won't fight over then

I'm a father of a daughter and if this were to happen in my life I would have probably taken it further than this father did, they would not have been able to find him, period end of story. No one will mess with my little girl. Don't get me wrong, I know things will happen some day but as long as she is in my house

@gun6slinger9: You also have to think that in the Apple stores they sell more than the Apple computer, they sell ipods and ipads and about 1000 other things related to Apple products

didn't Apple learn, the macbook air was a fracken epic fail

@gun6slinger9: I like the comparison with the Ferrari, it is true.

@treesloth: All it boils down to is Hayden wanted more money and George found a reason to give him more money

@darthvolta: Exactly, Anikin died as an old Jedi not a young wussy. So the ghost should have been the same old Jedi.

@Curves: Don't ever watch them, if you do the image that was created so long ago will be forever tarnished never to be buffed out again.

I was willing to forgive him after he put out that trash called Episode 1, then he went and redid the Holy Trilogy and put Haden Christianson in the role of Aniken's Ghost. That was uncalled for and highly sacrilegious and I still get upset when I see that mess.

@gun6slinger9: I got to say I have enjoyed this little back and forth, it has been nice to have a serious talk on this site

@gun6slinger9: Not saying that Jobs can't make a profit, I'm saying he can make the product here in America, employing more Americans that could then afford a cheaper computer. Apple would end up making as much money as before and sell more computers and help lower unemployment and then we wouldn't have to listen to

Snookie, that sound makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I hear it. The would would be a better place if some how she was ran over by a Zamboni that was being driven by a team of trained ferrets

@gun6slinger9: Yeah I know that you can make computer in America and still not cost an arm and leg because I worked for Dell in Austin, Tx, MAKING computers and now I work for Apple and know that both computers are the same on the inside. So I know that Apple can make computer that are cheaper to make and sell and be

@gun6slinger9: Yeah I know that you can make computer in America and still not cost an arm and leg because I worked for Dell in Austin, Tx, MAKING computers at $15/hr and now I work for Apple and know that both computers are the same on the inside. So I know that Apple can make computer that are cheaper to make and

@SGTjuice82: Nice to see I'm not the only one on this site with GREAT taste

I want to see Six from Tripping the Rift

@gun6slinger9: Try to see things from more than the angle you get from having your head up your rear. If Apple stopped being so self righteous and price things in a reasonable manner they could afford to make their products in America.

@gun6slinger9: The point I'm trying to get across is that there is NO reason for the Apple computer to cost so damned much to start with.