
I watched Will Farrell's show the other night and almost cried, I mean Will Farrell has a show and Conan doesn't. There is something horribly wrong in this world for that to happen.

@BeefSupreme: I would like to find out what else she was taught, wander if it will remind me of La Blue Girl

@gun6slinger9: Apple products are over priced as is is, they are the same thing as most PC computers the only thing different is that the OS is based off of Unix which is FREE so there is no need to pay $2000 for a damned iMac other than the fake prestige you get from saying you have an Apple computer

@matt_mcmhn: if they are gonna raise their wages why the hell not move those over 500,000 jobs to America and pay some of our unemployed American.

@Dodge2002: Have you ever seen the Mad Magazine Spy vs. Spy cartoon. I can see something like that happening, they are gonna try to act all buddy buddy and both throw a bomb. It is gonna boil down to has enough for-thought to have a tube to catch the other bomb and send it back to the sender

As long as I get that hot Korean chick with it I think it might be worth the cost

I can't wait to see the day when Jobs crashes, where does he come off telling people what they can say, he sure as hell isn't my mother.

@ericesque: your right I never was an intern I graduated from college then went right to work, I was just that good that I didn't need to be an intern

@brijazz: it's not being a sheep if I have nothing better to do at work then spend all day looking at Giz, So I get to be one of the first people to comment. I see no need to make a new feed if I agree with someone, hell I would even agree with you if you made a comment with some intelligence.

You know as often as they look for intern it must suck to work there

@gnargle: tried that but did't get the slide bar to break it

I'm having trouble Breaking my 2nd Gen Ipod running on iOS 4.0.0 and advise

Why use an Apple tv when I have a media center with 2 TB of movies tv shows and music connected to my tv

@Curves: BAAAA, That is all I seem to here anymore

937,000 employees work in CHINA. Send those jobs to America and there wouldn't be this unemployment issue that we have. I hate companies that love the almighty dollar so much that they would screw our country

I want to see them make one out of real wood

I need to know if I Break my 2nd Gen Ipod Touch with this will I have to have it tethered when ever I turn it on. It is running on iOS 4.0.0

I worked for our government for a while and I wouldn't be in the least bit shocked to find out that they were hiding ANYTHING from us, they trust us about as much as we trust them.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Just blame Canada, when the alien invasion starts, everything else bad is their fault. Look at Celine Dion

I spend all day talking to cry babies about their Macbook not working, this thing would make my day a bit better, I want this.