
@headc4se: I am so far behind on watching my DVR's that I need a TV in my casket when I die

@Lupison: either way the point is being made. if you go to mexico , hope you are a donkey and keep movies in 2D. LOL

I just want a watch that tells time, why does it have to be so fracken complex.DAMN

@landfil: and what would your abbreviated familiar's name be?

Thanks be to the Gods. Someone has the brains to know that making movies in 3D sucks donkey balls like a Mexican whore

Love Back to the Future, I MUST HAVE THE STAR WARS SWAG.

this is going to be sad, I hope he has wised up and uses the real versions of the Episodes IV,V,and VI and those reedited piece's of poop.

This is the first time I've been proud of my CEO

@Live N Learn: No the use of a car is something you DON'T need to live hell I have a car but I choose to walk to work because I'm not lazy. The EMERGENCY SERVICES are there to help people when it is needed to save there life. Mechanics are there to help repair your car that you voluntarily purchased, and don't need

@prestonspark: what your talking about sounds alot like Communism, you only get something for giving something. I'm sorry but that just won't work here, in America we have certain things that should be thought of as provided by the government like police, amulance service, and FIRE DEPARTMENT. All 3 of which are

@shimanopower: I like to think of myself as a libertarian as well but as a human I couldn't sit back and watch as someones home was burnt to the ground, that is wrong on the human level

The Platypus gets a + 10 but the hipster gets a -20. I'm sorry but for the most part I can't tell if those hipsters are men or women, or gay or all 3 in one.

@sydcinema: Crave is to weak of a word for what I feel for these. Not having my girlfriend in one of these might cause the end of the world. Well it will when she sees this pick as my background and I can't explain why it's there.

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated

I can't stand the fact that Jobs thinks it is his right to sat what people watch, I mean come on if I want to watch to ladies kiss each other on their most private of places I should be able to, for christ sake I'm 31 and like to look at the ladies in the nude.

@2 replies: great now I have to think of the sites of beached whales at

@hawkeye18: I've had several of my old Army buddies that say even though people are shooting at you, life is easier in Iraq or Afghanistan. Because at least everyday you know what your doing.

I was in the US Army and worked in a maintenance depot and was shocked when I order a 6 inch by 8 inch by .5 inch piece of aluminum and found out it cost $800 for that. All it was, was a lid for a piece of communication equipment.

@dallasmay: no that would make you a total douche bag tool