
I want that cord for my ipod

as fascinating as all this was ALL THOSE EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS CAN DIE. That said I know they hold a very important role in nature, but they freak me out

I see these things being ripped from their foundation by some dumb redneck in a truck

Look all in need to know is, is the light bright enough to burn the retina from the eye of the deer I'm flashing with it

sweet, when can I get my claws,

@Zecomm: you sicken me with that opinion, but hey here in the States you can have you're own opinion no matter how sick they are

@redman042: you have to be out of your mind, I work for apple and know the problems, that is why as soon as I get an ipod I Jailbreak it, so that it will work

@Taylor Alexander: I agree, how can redman042 say iOS is a "extremely-well-thought-out " product

for linux maybe, but not apple. And Star Wars, have to be a fanboy for the Force.

@Deaf Mute: True and sometimes it can make you just a bit unreasonable

@Deaf Mute: I know there is a lot f info on the web and I'm the first to say there should be no censorship of the web but that sick stuff is the exception and any that defend those that look it up sicken me(not counting you 2 in that group). I'm sorry to rant but as a parent and a person with a soul I get really

I work for Applecare, if you listen to this thing you are going to void your warranty and you will have to pay for the repair

@blyan-reloaded: I would rather have some nut job with nuke specs than have some sick fracker looking at pics of kids

I hope that perv gets bung holed on a daily basis till his back door looks likea bowl of spaghetti. the fact that he took the time to find the porn to me means he knew where to look and that make me want to kill him.

Come on now Giz, this isn't even 2 months old

@Zfire: Hey at least they won't have salmonella

I had an E.T. lunchbox, my mom took it from me when I hit my brother with it, he should have stayed away from my chips

does she come with the shirt

I hear Cthulhu