
I hear Cthulhu

Isn't Creston some kind of magician...

the more corn in general that you eat the fatter you get, look at the farm industry they use corn before they send animals to the slaughter to get fat since they get paid by the pound

This will be a good night for any spellcraft going on tonight

@Gothamite88: yes, it allows a company to get a monopoly on devices that use that port. A good example it Apples Magsafe, they are suing a company for making a device that enhances their idevices and now they are crying about it

this is a big FAIL for me i hate anything that is proprietary, yeah that is a stab at you Apple and Microsoft

i praise those fools for slowing SkyNet

I want one NOW daddy

This is just what all those people that suffer from Donny Darko syndrome and always think a jet engine is going to fall on their head

this is sad I saw this place on Food Network and wanted to go there

I loved my food processor I'm still trying to figure out how the non cooking ex got it when we split, along with my bass guitar, and surround sound system

if I ever go to the jungle I'm bringing a shotgun, not for the big cats but for the damned spiders. I HATE SPIDERS. I would rather be in a room full of rabid tigers than one fracken spider.

I'm 31 and I have enjoyed my music loud since I was somewhere around 12 and have been to countless concerts I don't care what is said, my hearing is fine. But this gives me a good excuse to say why I don't hear my girlfriend.

@Yuliang Ruan: I'm with you what's wrong with free Japanese porn, hell any Japanese porn is welcomed

@Pippi Longstalker: Thanks, anything I can do to help my mom get some pleasure back in life is welcomed news

@UnlimitedRevs: Unless we can get Jason Solo to come to the rescue

I'm with you Stevie, my mom went blind about 3 years ago and she says next to seeing her grandchildren she misses reading more than anything. I am all for anything that will give her some of that pleasure back