
Sorry Dude. But they are. I literally had to ask a Seller where they were located. The Reply? “Yes. we are a Seller from China, but we don’t say this on our site because people will not buy.”

Also. I wouldn’t be surprised if RB is laughing like crazy that Drumpf is giving her the “thumbs up.” As much as I hate to write this: Hollywood > Politicians.

Despite all of the hate-buzz, I’m not going to shit on Roseanne Barr. She is just the kind of player who trips up now and then (her hideous talk-show), but who stays in for the long game. Hers is the kind of voice one should heed even IF you think that she is a “Traitor.”

So very true, especially since they have been sponsoring 3rd party sellers, to whom they owe no allegiance. People make purchases from these non-Amazon sellers (the “fine print” is so very fine), and end up getting screwed because the Seller has its own policies - usually very BAD policies.

Oh c’mon. It isn’t that bad. And it will happen every year. Roll with it.

I don’t know if they are stick marketed, but there was a tampon that used a “stick” to put it where it belonged.

True. But that outfit is kinda wearing HIM

I don’t think it would be a “blip” (although his junk might be). I think the story would be Yuuuuge.

Is that what most Starbucks look like? What a cold, unwelcoming place. Are their even places to sit?

Thank you for your post. Our situations are nearly identical. Mother plays us off against each other, but my sister will always be her princess.

It’s a constant bug. Your star will likely show up later:)

Heaven’s no! You don’t sound dismissive or “prickish”, nor do you sound like you are diminishing me

I get you, Poo. I’m in “Fear Mode” nearly 24/7 myself, because I have been diagnosed with a disease that can leave me crueley disabled before the end or could take me quickly. No one knows

Sounds like you are doing your best to “maintain” your work life and keep things steady in your love life too, Poo.

Oh honey, so do I! If it is persistent look into Hydroxyzine (Atarax) - one of the few antihistamines that actually help with itching.

SO Many practitioners have said to me “For the past century, you can see stress as the primary culprit in most every disease” - sooo many. We are killing ourselves from fear, but how to deal with this? It is Damn Hard!

Exact same scenario for me, which is why I loved 38. Something - I don’t know what - shifted, and I became a woman who loved being a woman who could find satisfaction and pleasure avoiding the (imo) phony ‘nightlife.’ I started going to bed at 11:00 or sooner. I didn’t become the “home-body” that I am now (that was

You are a magnificent Freak of Nature. Bless ya, kingwolf:)

Are they checking your white blood cell count? If not, get mad, because these cells are big players in your ability to stave off illnesses.