I saw that, but I didn’t know he got banned for it! This is some straight-up horseshit.
I saw that, but I didn’t know he got banned for it! This is some straight-up horseshit.
Oh, please! Stop infantilizing these critics. If she fears a backlash from his followers she shouldn’t criticize. That’s the rules of social media. Everyone is free to respond to anyone else. If someone has more supporters than be mindful of that when you say something negative about them.
I dunno, social media is something I may never get. If someone writes an online article or Tweets at you criticizing your work aren’t they doing the same thing-informing your boss and the world of their low opinion and hoping the internet will pile on and bother you? It’s not like they sent him a handwritten letter…
I’m not gonna hate on her, she’s had a shitty exploitative childhood/life full of problems, I wonder if she’s experienced sexual abuse growing up in Hollywood. Now it looks like she’s trying to clean up and get steady gigs to earn money. Jezebel sure loves hating on her for no damn reason.
She looks worlds better than she did just a few years ago. Glad shes getting her life back together. I really hope this works out for her. Nobody should be shamed for overcoming addiction and a toxic family life
Y’know, if we all had access to bombs and bomb-making material this never would have happened because a good guy with a bomb can always stop a bad guy with a bomb.
I want to point out that your phrasing (“they “found themselves” offended) completely blames the people who are offended for their own offense.
I will also say that I find these serial or episodic responses like Code 45, the UK update, and the one on Kotaku’s Nerd Love to be deeply irritating. I think they monopolize space and it’s almost always dudes who do it, and it just bugs the bejesus out of me. I know, I know, Gawker, Univision, Kinja is different now,…
I think he genuinely believes that swagger, threats, and bullying are what it takes to get respect, and that the more he yells at people, the more they’ll admire him (this seems to be the driving force of his foreign and domestic policy, too), so yelling at people who say mean things and threatening to sue them will…
It’s not the fault of farmers for those issues, but due to corporations and their meddling as well as a healthy dose of systemic racism.
I smell a nose job, but it could be a combo of fillers, contouring, Botox, and photoshop. She looks like Kesha more than herself in her buzz cut days.
Some women though can’t take a birth control pill and don’t want to have to use or only rely on condoms. A male birth control pill would allow for this.
I don’t think anyone is saying it won’t be useful, there are plenty of women who can’t take birth control or men who want to have more control over their reproductive organs. The issue is that it’s just not getting funding or interest because reproduction is seen as a “woman’s problem.”
Well, I would hope people would be as smart about male BC as they would female BC. It should not be the only form of contraception with casual partners because of STI risks. If there isn’t enough trust to be sure that they are taking the pill, you really shouldn’t be fucking without a condom to begin with.
Guys would just lie about being on it to get bareback.
I really appreciate the nuanced discussion in this article. It also reminded me of yet another reason why women who have been experienced assault or trauma do not speak up about their experience —because they do not want to be labelled as a victim. They do not want to be pitied, nor do they want *all* their future…
She’s not really much of a musician, and a dogshit songwriter to boot. Seriously, have you read her lyrics? Trite, forgettable crap.
But so do many artists, including Beyonce (since she’s the performer we’re using as a point of reference, here):