Lucrezia Borgia

The sheer number of bumper stickers and internet posts stating something along the lines of “vote trump! make liberals cry!” makes me think that for a large number of right-wingers, the ONLY thing that matters is sticking it to the left. Who cares if your family suffers from lack of healthcare or that your grandkids

As opposed to you taking the time to respond to every comment with OMG YOU GUYS IT’S A JOKE YOU MORONS. Sure thing, Danny.

Thanks for the mansplaining, troll. Sorry you’re so upset about being a small man that you feel the need to stomp on in here and spew your deranged shit on an article making fun of a totally useless and impractical item aimed at women. But thanks for the laughs!

Maybe because it’s a weak-ass, unoriginal joke?

One Star Reviewer sounds like a caricature of a food critic, and Restaurant Owner sounds like a weirdo and/or doofus. Everyone in this scenario sucks.

You might want to brush up on your comedy skills because your original post just made you sound like one of those people who gets irrationally mad at the mere mention of anyone who is vegetarian/ vegan/ pescatarian/ whatever.

Are you talking about pescatarians? Or people who call themselves vegetarian but are, in fact, pescatarian?

“Fake shirts! FAKE SHIRTS!”

Slurpy chewing and mouth-breathing sounds are a giant NO from me. I actually had to turn off a podcast about ASMR recently because they were playing a clip of some and it was making me irrationally irritated. Like almost anxious and grossed out at the same time.

I, for one, am truly shocked. And here I thought he was going to be our next president....wait, maybe this makes him more qualified?

If you want a somewhat entertaining way to waste a few minutes, go look at Scooter’s Instagram page. There’s a bunch of boring pics with like no comments in them, and then the occasional gem filled with comments ripping on him. Like his dumb ham sandwich pics, or the pic of a Jesus painting that he refers to as a

Keep your expectations low and hope for the best.

Dude, just cool it for a bit and stop obsessing about it. Unless you hang out outside of the bar, Katie is your bartender and not your friend. Just give it time to let things go back to normal. It’s not a fucking crisis.

That is an absolutely fair point. I admit I haven’t really looked into it too much, but I’ve often heard we have a doctor shortage. I’d assume it partially has to do with medical school costing an insane amount here in the states. I’d hope any options to bring medical care for all also include ways to recruit new

Jesus christ, $2100 a month??? I have no idea how ANYONE who isn’t rich can afford that. That’s insane. My insurance through work gets worse every year but I can’t even imagine paying that much.

But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!

That too! I’d feel guilty bringing new life onto the planet when we’re still here sitting here twiddling our thumbs instead of actually dealing with climate change.

Honestly that’s one of my reasons for not wanting to ever be pregnant. The real and sometimes permanent damage birth can do to your body often gets glossed over or made into a joke about loose vaginas. Like, no dude, this shit permanently changes your body, often in ways society doesn’t want to talk about because it’s

That’s basically my response to all these horror stories, but this one is especially....yeesh.