Lucrezia Borgia

How about Denny?

Don’t know if MI tried to do that too, but that’s exactly what they did here in WI. Former governor Scott Walker ran wild and buttfucked this entire state for 8 years, and when he finally lost in 2018 the GOP-controlled legislature suddenly decided the office of governor had too much power.

I like how on the original article the vast majority of people jumping in to say, “Are you fucking kidding me with this flippant question? I’m out of work and/or have debts to pay. I can’t afford to spend this on anything but food and rent. Read the room,”

I like how on the original article the vast majority of people jumping in to say, “Are you fucking kidding me with


If Bernie has always been so vocally opposed to the military industrial complex, why on earth did he support placing the F-35 jets in Burlington, VT? People’s lives (particularly lower-income people there) have been upended by this in the name of “economic benefits.”

I remember working at one cafe where I would get a free meal with each shift, but that was mainly because a) the owner liked me (only some of us got free meals), and b) the owner would use it as an excuse for why we didn’t need higher wages (“You get a free meal, isn’t that enough to go with your minimum wage??!?”)

100%. I had to reschedule a mammogram that would’ve fallen a week before my period because HELL NO y’all ain’t so much as touching those sore puppies then, let alone compressing and mangling them in a machine. Yeesh. I’m grimacing just thinking about it right now.

Cramps, incredibly sore tits during PMS, menstrual mood swings (may not be physical pain but that shit still weighs on you and makes things worse), headache/migraine, higher likelihood of fibromyalgia, potentially other uterine-related pains (such as endometriosis, etc), higher likelihood of sore neck/shoulders if you

Nut-based milks have been used in recipes for centuries. “Almond milk” isn’t some new fancy term trying to trick people into drinking non-dairy milk— it’s a liquid that people just started calling “milk” way back in the day, presumably because it looks a lot like regular milk. I have no problem with people calling it

Bye, bitch!

People like this need to be permanently exiled to an island with no internet. And not a fun tropical island either.

Women may have had some freedom to participate as writers and stars to help play to the female audience, but make no mistake, the movie industry & the studio system was still dominated and controlled by men.

Seriously. HOW have people not noticed that this dumbass is blatantly a troll?

Baracka has ALWAYS been a troll with a one-track mind and a simplistic grasp on sentence structure around here. It never fails to surprise me how many people seem to miss that.

Huh. That’s weird. I could’ve sworn Bernie also has social media accounts.

Fuck off, troll.

Thankfully I’ve never had a pregnancy scare, but as someone who doesn’t ever want to be pregnant, my anxiety is dialed way the fuck UP from this.

*Any pregnancy is a strain and potential danger to the mother’s health.

This needs more stars.

Who the HELL is spending that much money on these things? I make solidly middle/lower middle class wages and I feel guilty just getting take out or going to a restaurant more than twice a month.