Lucrezia Borgia

I’ve always seen it spelled “tokophobia”. Are there two different spellings?

Dogs also especially bark continuously when their idiot owners neglect, ignore, and/or don’t train them properly. See also: my neighbor who leaves her constantly distressed and howling dog outside alone all day. He’s alone outside? Howls/barks for attention for hours on end and you can’t escape it even with the

Argh I feel you. My neighbor has a dog that she basically leaves outside all day during the warmer months and he just barks and barks and and howls and whines ALL goddamn day and evening until she gets home. He’s a cute dog, but Jesus christ he needs some solid training and more attention. It’s so bad and sounds so

Maybe he could talk about trimming the deficit. 

I mean... he’s not wrong there. We definitely don’t steer young people toward trade schools as much as we should. They cost less, lead to decent-paying jobs, and should be looked at as an extremely viable option for college, not just “where you go when you can’t get into a 4-year school” like they often are seen as. Lu

Splinter’s good reporting”

I’m guessing she’s blissfully unaware that most employer-based health plans are continually heading toward cheaper (for the employer, not necessarily for the employee) and shittier high deductible (“consumer driven” my ass) health plans these days and that care continues to get more and more expensive for a lot of us?

I’m 95% certain Baracka is just Libby.

Some of us just naturally have Resting Bitch Face. I can be in a good mood and still have someone say “Is something wrong??” or “Why don’t you give us a smile?” And it’s like, nope, sorry, that’s just how my face naturally rests in a neutral, relaxed position. I don’t go around forcing myself into an obvious smile

Ha! That was my first thought too. She must’ve been at Le Cafe Monsieur Eduard D’Bevic’s de Paris.

That’s super interesting! Thanks for sharing that article.

At this point I basically read Splinter ramblings only for the comments, so I generally take any of the articles with a giant grain of salt, but I just looked at Beto’s website and it literally doesn’t have a policy section yet.

Let’s not let actual news stories get in the way of weird ramblings about a candidate standing on tables.

Because they’re not Bernie, and this is Spinter. Duh.

Interesting. Did not know that! So the leather cows would actually be raised primarily for leather and secondarily for random meats like jerky?

Yeah, I mean, it’s not like those concerns over her safety forced her out or anything.  /s

Good god. That kind of entitlement from parents is just baffling. “How DARE you suggest Little Susie might be contagious and needs to stay away from other kids! I thought this was the Land of the Free?!?”

The difference that I see, though, is that leather is generally a byproduct of raising cattle for meat whereas fur comes from raising animals *specifically* for fur (and then possibly finding a use for the leftover carcass, such as with mink oil). One could argue that the primary reason behind leather’s existence

My only bone to pick with this is that a lot of the synthetic leathers out there are crappy imitations that wear down more quickly or have other issues (rubbing, creaking, being a sweaty material, etc). They also are apparently terrible for the environment during manufacture, but then again tanning leather ain’t great

Translation: I admitted to some stupid, stupid beliefs on a public platform, so now going forward I’m just going to keep it to myself instead of doing some critical thinking.