Lucrezia Borgia

This was pretty much my first thought when she said that they’re listening to their pediatrician now.

Abortion laws like this are designed to restrict access so much that while abortion is still technically legal there, it’s restricted to the point where it’s IS still legal but extremely difficult to access.

I mean, shit, even some people on the left don’t think the right would go *that* far on abortion. A liberal male coworker of mine was skeptical that Roe would be in trouble due to the courts. He also assumed that abortion access was a done deal thanks to Roe so why are we still talking about this... until I explained

Um excuse you, it’s well known that Ted Cruz exists exclusively on Campbell’s Chunky soup seasoned with the waves of grimacing discomfort emanating from any human within 10 feet of him.

I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if BO really was Libby or some other splinter writer, based on how much they like to dismiss comments that are critical of them and/or are not salivating at the faintest mention of St. Bernard.

Libby why you commenting under a pseudonym?

I was thinking more along the lines of <fart noise>, but lol works too.

I’m convinced Tomato is actually a collective of people with way too much time on their hands. 

Now playing

One of the original punks from that gloriously dirty 1970s NY early punk scene.

It must be fantastic to not have to worry about your rights to bodily autonomy being slowly (or quickly, in some places) eroded. Must feel pretty great to be able to set that issue aside and not really have to think about it until the ladies bring it up, so then you can do your due diligence, nod in agreement, and go

That might explain a few things...

I can’t get past the fact that he has repeatedly downplayed race & gender to say that economic equality will fix everything. Economic inequality is a BIG part of the problem but fixing it doesn’t magically make all other problems go away.

Fun fact: if you google “Tucker Carlson confused”, you get approx 200 different variations of this face:

I guarantee you that lil Tucker here 100% believes marital rape isn’t really a thing. Don’t even have to look up whatever bullshit he’s probably said about it to surmise his view on that.

Oh cool. Guess the next time I feel a migraine coming on, I’d better start praying to god instead of reaching for my sumatriptan spray!

These dumbfucks would argue that since the woman chose to have sex, if she got pregnant it was partially her fault and therefore since she helped cause this life-or-death (for the “baby”, in their eyes) situation, she can be compelled to provide bodily support for the fetus.

Sadly there have already been cases of women arrested and/or prosecuted specifically for doing things that could intentionally or unintentionally harm a fetus (say like, purposely trying to give yourself a miscarriage,  or doing drugs while pregnant because you’re an addict and can’t help it).

And if he can’t afford to pay for the embryo transfer, a new surrogate to carry the embryo, as well as compensation for the original pregnant woman’s egg donation & temporary use of her body, and insurance won’t cover it, well...too bad, buddy. He really should’ve thought of that before having sex.

This. Is why. Elections. Fucking. Matter.

I think I misread your response. Disregard previous snark please...