Lucrezia Borgia

The costuming in that one is divine. That 1790s silhouette they use is waaaaayyy better than that preggo-looking 1800/1810s look they use in all other adaptations.

What. Whyyyyy....

Lololz @ “time slowing down.”

Could be, but I’m not counting on it.

Jesus that’s adorable.

I really, really think he would have done better to strongly endorse someone rather than throwing his hat in the ring again. I don’t know if he could beat Donny, and alternately I’m also worried that if he *doesn’t* get the nomination we’ll have anger and disenchantment on the left similar to what we had in 2016.

Almond milk” is not a new marketing concept. It’s been around for centuries.

Good for you.

You should write a letter to the people who make Milk of Magnesia. They need to know about their incorrect use of the word “milk.”

Case closed, guys! We’ve got someone who’s drunk milk for 60 years and turned out alright, therefore there couldn’t be any problems with milk.

Or “bovine mammary fluid.”

I’ve read that coconut milk is one of the better options to go with for environmental reasons.

“Mhmm, how bout a nice cold glass of bovine mammary fluid to go with those cookies!”

I have a historical cookbook called “How To Milk An Almond, Stuff An Egg, and Armor A Turnip: A Thousand Years Of Recipes.”

Hey now, weasels are actually kinda cute. Don’t be insulting them like that.

Seriously. When the 2020 election rolls around, THINK OF THE COURTS, PEOPLE. Doesn’t matter who the Dem nominee is at that point.

*disregard my early morning kinja...

Comedy Central Presents the Roast Of Dumb Starbucks Man*

*sigh* The moon here was obscured by a weird misty/cloudy sky (thanks, incoming snowstorm!) so I couldn’t really look at it last night. But Monday night it was HUGE and bright and beautiful. So at least there’s that.