
The muddy PS5 should be the main image.

Look I am all for fuck the police, but putting a police officer as the main picture for an article with the title

terrible take. i’m sure all the people working their asses off to get it done reaaally appreciate your HARD LINE STANCE lol

I know it sounds like beating a dead horse to say UNIONS UNIONS UNIONS but the horse won’t actually die until the unions actually form.

You’re right.  If there’s one thing Fallout 76 needs more than anything right now it’s bans for people who find a way to make the game fun.  

Can supply anecdotal evidence. Lost mine at 12. Took me decades to realize how fucked up my views on sex were. Never really been able to get past the fetishes it instilled in me. So it goes.

Also, not as an excuse for bad behavior, but every guy I know who lost their virginity at age 13 (sample size: 3) has been screwed up for life with regards to their needs and treatment of women. For as long as I can remember, guys high five each other if they get laid in their early teens. It’s gotta mess with your

I’d more than happily swap out my burger patties for Impossible patties if they tasted just as good.

Am I supposed to care what you think about makeup or not care what you think about makeup?

You are king of the losers, congratulations.

Let me guess, the Nazis also had some good points? You have nothing. You are garbage. You are mad because we are getting rid of you and your kind.

I want you to listen and listen clearly. We will not finish until you are all gone! Goodbye forever you toxic little wimps!

I think the entire story is fake. This kid just wanted to get something into a video game and came up with a fake story.

Being a sociopath (or at least a person severely lacking in the conscience department) has to have its perks—like fucking whomever you want (assuming they’re willing) whenever you want.

I love sex—but I guess I hate the idea of potentially tearing a family apart by fucking two people in that family more. I dunno. I’ve

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

You don’t know these people. Some people just have trouble losing weight. I have good friends that work out a lot and eat healthy, but the weight is coming off slowly if at all. I, on the other hand, am skinny, but I eat shitty food in great quantities and never exercise. Nobody says shit about my health or

Yeah, when you put it that way, you still sound like a giant bag of shit.

For as much as I enjoy delving into the lore of interesting worlds in video games, I could not imagine being as pedantic about it as you. I wouldn’t give two shits if, for instance, someone didn’t know about the name of the Vex Mind that made contact with Crota in Destiny. It’s such an incredibly minor detail that it

The only way tolerance survives is to demonstrate and act intolerant towards intolerance. This is a protest through the courts and, frankly, I would hope Campo Santo burns this entire “industry” down. Unfortunately, I don’t think they will. Too much money at stake.

As an old who can remember a time before the rubella vaccine:

Gamer: Noun, Someone who plays games.

Maybe if you didn't distrust that they were gamers, they wouldn't have to prove it to you.