
I drop my cats all the time. Some people are just cat droppers.

Yes, and? That’s like a big facet of this job he’s up for.

Because she’s bad? Bro. Seriously.

Not only would it destroy those relationships but damn if she’ll ever trust anyone fully again.

I never stopped, and I never will.

You shut your mouth. They’re the best cereal! It should be noted my top two cereals are shredded wheat and plain bran cereal so it might be me.

My genuine reaction was to say out loud “It’s a Scottie!” I had no idea I was that invested in the monopoly dog.

I personally got the Switch because the prospect of having an open world I could tool around in at the office, or in bed, or in the bathtub (carefully of course!) was too exciting and it has been wonderful. It’s a gamble but I figured it wouldn’t go on sale for a couple of years and I don’t know if I’ll have all this

Check out Polygon too, if you haven’t already. Similar politically minded game journalism.


YUP. I took a Xanax because I couldn’t stop pacing my house, put on sweats, and have been drinking coffee and playing Far Cry 4 for hours. Not the most peaceful game but I need to not just scream at everyone I see and this helps.

So does this mean it won’t be able to play regular PS4 games at all or just that they won’t have any improved features? I’ve been holding out on buying a PS4 because I already had an Xbone and I’ll usually only play PS4 exclusives but I do have a ton of PS+ games stockpiled I’d really love to finally play.

There is nothing that infuriates me more than people misunderstanding the rights the First Amendment gives you. It doesn’t give you carte blanche to say whatever shitty thing you want to say without people calling you on it.

Her final joke is sloppy and unfunny but can we go back to how fucking shitty Hill looks when she makes the Demon joke. I don’t find that joke out of line at all, it’s a ridiculous scene in a ridiculous movie, she’s just pointing that out. Then to instantly come back with “I heard you get sodomized quite often,”...

I covered the Trump rally in Syracuse and right before it started I got a great spot at the front of the press cage. It was elevated so we could shoot over people’s heads but it also meant I was totally exposed when Trump (and Carl Paladino before him) instructed the crowd to turn around and boo the press. Mind you

Did you see her on SNL? I was smitten with her after that.

I forgot how skinny Fiona Apple was! Like I remember her being skinny, but damn, her arms!

Tall people are not to be trusted. I refuse to vote for anyone over 6'2".

I think I’ve already mentioned this somewhere else but I can’t get over how jarring it was to see Papa John’s pizza in a movie set in NYC! Like I get it, $$$, but couldn’t they have gotten REAL NYC pizza, like Sbarro!?