
I’m really glad it’s doing well. I saw the first preview of it at 7pm, and those showings are usually nuts at my theater and there were like 15 people there (and I’m being generous). I need to see it again because two-thirds through it someone started banging on the emergency exit door like a maniac and after like 5

I have described my perfect partner as someone who I could lay on the couch and watch them play video games. I’d watch him play GTA for three hours if he didn’t speak.

I got “evicted” from my apartment after one noise complaint too. It’s illegal but I think for the most part if the people have the resources to leave that one interaction will be unpleasant enough that they’ll leave on their own volition (like Felix). Especially if the landlord is as nasty as that guy was. My landlord

But will the android be able to take a shower?!

It’s hard to listen to but everyone should listen to this piece This American Life did on a 16-year-old pedophile trying to find help.

Where are the court documents? I'd love to read them. Everything I've read has just been on Wikipedia and the VF article.

Mia found photos in his apartment (they lived on opposite sides of Central Park) and that’s what caused the split I think. I could be mistaken and there were multiple nudes, I wouldn’t put it past Woody.

The video of the woman getting kicked out of the bathroom, while horrible, happened in December of 2015, so not this week.

Oh god, if I were held accountable for every bullshit belief I had when I was 17 I’d off myself. I regularly said garbage about hating feminists and that I can only read male authors. I was a garbage person as a teen.

I’m so fucking excited for this! My niece will grow up in an America where her first president was a black man and her second was a woman. How fucking cool is that?!

It’s a diverse group of centrists and the center-left who figure that Clinton’s consensus politics isn’t cynical but inherently fair to the most people. Even people they disagree with.

When I was 13 I was biiiig into Obi-Wan and Padme. I read all the fanfics, made Sims of them and hooked them up, I shipped them hard. 13 year olds are pervs.

This. This. This. This. This.

That’s not the point I’m making. It doesn’t really matter if those videos exist because someone would actively have to seek out all the different videos with all the endings. I’m saying it’s not a good comparison and it’s not, a one off play through of each game would be incredibly different, it’s the difference

Stanley Parable isn’t an excellent example though, there are tons of different ways to explore that game. Watching a Let’s Play of that for example might inspire someone to buy it to find the rest of the endings on their own. Someone watches That Dragon, Cancer and they’ve seen the story. What’s there to encourage

I wrote a very long disparaging comment about Let’s Play videos that made me sound 80. My main point was, if a Let’s Play video does not take a video game and make anything new or worthwhile with it then they do not deserve 100% of the revenue. Speed runs? Cool. Breaking game videos a la Monster Factory? Super.

Noooo, I was so excited to scroll down these comments to join in on the fun. Gaslighting comments are my favorite Internet comments.

My best friend and I have a lot of dates where we go to an awful restaurant (think Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill) and see awful movies. Is this hate watch good? I’ve been counting down to this and we’re both very excited that it’s getting such bad reviews but will it be good to watch and make fun of after?