
This, this, this. People underestimate how much the brain does. I can’t speak for game designers but it’s definitely something I was taught in art school. I’d assume if it’s used in fine arts it’s used in all other arts, games included.

I liked how New Vegas did it. I finished the “urgent” part of the game right away and the rest of it wasn't particularly time sensitive and anyway there were so many factions it seemed no matter what you did it made sense in the scope of the story.

I don't get what you mean by habit but the money really is that good. I can make in one day what takes weeks with another client. Plus I get to just talk to people all day and eat fancy food then work the other six days of the week in sweat pants. ❤️

Oh, are you me from the past? Hi!

I’m a photographer who gets 90% of her income from weddings and I want so badly for everyone to just elope. The wedding industry is just the grossest.

It’s a tradition to go shopping (aka people watching) with my Mother but she doesn’t understand how expensive games are so she thinks $15-25 is wildly overpriced when there are $1.96 DVDs right next to them. Picked up a handful of Xbox One games and was going to decide which ones to get when she reminded me I had a

My life is built for time sucks like this. I’m a photographer in CNY which means I work nonstop May-October but am effectively unemployed during winter. I can rationalize playing hours and hours of videogames because it keeps me from spending all my money.

I cried at this commercial. Granted I cry at most anything Star Wars lately (I cried when I noticed the first poster at my local movie theater) but this was a genuinely touching commercial. Good on you ad guys.

I can’t staaaand the taste/mouth-feel of anything over skim milk. Even 2% tastes like thick cream to me. I used to be worse though, I drank skim with ice cubes as a child because it wasn't watery enough.

I know the henley is in Fury Road but I was too distracted by Tom Hardy’s beautiful face to care.

I only switched to that armor during fights and immediately switched back to the mid-level jacket. I thought the first outfit, the henley, was the worst. So generic, made Max look like any other brooding male protagonist. Thankfully there’s a better jacket at the very end for anyone who cares to play after that

Not only do I have to collect EVERY collectible but if I can’t find one on my own I have to watch a tutorial of how to get it, effectively removing all gameplay elements from the experience. I hate time counters on games for making me acutely aware of how much of my life I'm wasting picking up stuff as usually I'll

Sorry that comment got out of hand, but like the joy of reading words I have thought verbatim come out of a stranger’s mouth gave me so much hope and happiness.

UGH YES THIS SO MUCH! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

They dropped that? It still felt that way when I was there this winter.

Asked for a quote from a local place and they gave me a quote of $630! HA!

Pirates of Silicon Valley.

I’m really hoping they go full asshole in this movie. He was a huge asshole. He definitely spent a lot of his later years trying to redeem himself but man, what a douche.

I’m surprised to see anyone commend him on his voice. I don’t even think he looked that much like him. Ashton Kutcher just has such a distinct voice and face (much more model-ly than Jobs). I admit they did a good job with his hair and makeup but it just felt so much like Ashton Kutcher to me. It just looked like

YES. As an enormous fan of Jurassic Park and Star Wars I understand the movies are not made exclusively for me. I had an enormous amount of fun at Jurassic World. People cheered when the T-Rex came out! It was just a solid good feelings summer flick.