
I got those vibes too. Especially with the shot of the car and the corn field.

It's a good show. Super goofy, very USA'y, but a solid show.

AHH! I was trying to think of an alternate word for all three.

I'm drawing a blank. What's the original title. It's driving me insane.

Isn't that how they handled Arkham City? I don't remember that at all so I might actually be pulling it out of my ass. Giant walls?

When I was a child I hate-hate-hated figures that were molded in action poses. These make my inner child very happy. Maybe there are children today who are equally as boring as I was who will be very happy with these new poses.

Wow. The e-reader was completely wiped from my memory. I had to Google it because I could only think of e-books (Kindle, Nook) and had no clue why you were bringing it up. Nintendo makes some A+ peripherals. HA.

Mad World and No More Heros were my favorites on the Wii. Suuuuch beautiful games. I know they won't ever be remastered but they deserve a quick upres.

This year I bought myself an Xbox One and a RetroN 5. I was significantly more excited to show off the RetroN 5's features but for the most part people were confused as to why I would still want to play old games. I spent a lot of time showing off how beautiful games had become, and how terrifying survival horror

One of my childhood fantasies was to own store shelves or displays like this to store all my things on. This would have been my absolute dream. I was a sad child.

I have quite a few embarrassing ones despite having great teachers and being pretty well read as a child. All of these are embarrassingly recent too, like 18 and up. I did go to a Fashion School for college so can that give me a pass?

I put Ashley in dumpsters like it was my job.

My (fixed) dog is constantly trying to get people to touch his penis. He loves having his penis touched. If you're scratching his tummy he'll abruptly move positions so your hand is dangerously close to his penis. If you're petting him with your foot, he positions your foot right under his penis. He lays down with his

I'm one of the few people who really want a Kinect (I've grown accustomed to yelling at it while I'm working and too lazy to search for the remote) any idea if the Kinect version or a separate Kinect will be going on sale? I'm going to try for the Target AC bundle for the gift card.

I'm one of the few people who really want a Kinect (I've grown accustomed to yelling at it while I'm working and too

Well I'm definitely getting it for PS4 now. What can I say, I'm a sucker for lights changing.

I don't know if it's my age or what but I couldn't possibly care less about Gamergate other than the fact that women are getting death threats. That is inexcusable and no matter how you try to deny it, clearly a result of sexism in the gaming industry. But honestly there are so many things worth getting this

Game: Mass Effect 1

Wait wait wait why did Old Navy have a promotion for it??

This one was amazing. I have a cold and was wheeze-laughing so hard at "All animals can scream!"

I often get Dave Chappelle confused with Marie Antoinette so I can understand the mistake.