
I’m still stunned from the moment Trump doubled down on the concept of turning our armed forces into global mercenaries “we defend them? Let them pay for it” to the point that Hillary felt the need to turn to the camera and reassure other countries that no, contrary to what Orange Cheeto just said, the US will uphold

Fact check, don’t spout that old canard because you won’t inform yourself.

My favorite response:

She brought it up because she was thoroughly prepared for any attacks he had on that subject, and not afraid to address it.

Pollsters call home phone numbers in the middle of a weekday. The only people that answer a home phone (if they have one) in the middle of the weekday are old people. Many, many old people like Trump. So, yes, 40% of the people who are home in the middle of the day on a Wednesday, and answer their rotary phone, are

Hillary’s comeback about having enough stamina to endure the Benghazi hearing/witch trial made me laugh.

It’s hilarious that Trump accused Hillary for ‘not having stamina’, while he couldn’t stand for 60 minutes of a debate without panting, sweating, and sniffling, while she stood there smiling, fresh as a daisy.

Oh, not to worry she did.

I was so hoping Clinton would have followed through on her “attack” ads. He brought it up more than once.


“Well, listen to what you just heard...”


I swear to god Hillary grew younger and stronger during that rant.

This post hurts me.

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

You’re the kind of poly person who makes all the other poly people look bad. Like the atheist who can’t help but sneer condescendingly at people of faith.

I appreciate you saying this. Mostly I like people who defend people, because it’s more popular to trash people, standing up for someone is always a pretty selfless risk. There are lots of things Taylor has done, or been silent on, that really annoy me, anyone with her power I think has a lot of responsibility use

I was getting annoyed about this over the weekend. To me it dehumanizes Taylor to accuse every relationship she has of being fake. If you want to say the Hiddleston relationship is fake then you can’t also say Harry and Calvin and Taylor werewolf and whichever Jonas and Jake G were all fake too. Some of them have to

Bernie wasn’t even a fucking democrat until just a short time before he decided that the year the woman, was running was his one chance to try out a presidential campaign. Of course the DNC wasn’t paying him as much attention - he was new to the party. He had all the time he wanted to learn how things ran, the rules