beakymenace this really that weird/depressing to the parents out there?


I don’t think it’s huge considering that Depp has prior arrests as well. And I can imagine that two people fighting at an airport would lead to an overreaction from police. Add homophobia to that and I can see how a minor incident might have been overblown. This is not to say Heard’s never gotten aggressive with Depp.

Because she’s the one covered in bruises?

She was born in 2007 and has no memory of a time when we didn’t have a black man as our president. She goes to school with kids from all over. She and her dad speak Spanish at home. She came home yesterday telling me that it’s important to be considerate of fasting classmates during Ramadan.

Her world is so different

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but


I think a lot of men believe this is “no makeup”

the daytime concierge saw Amber in the lobby, appearing to wear no makeup, and says there was no evidence of any facial bruising.

Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.

He also tweeted this.

These female directors seemed to have no issues with her, so...

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

From people I have actually heard of:

2. Then wasn’t there the police report that said there were no signs of abuse that evening

OMG you are right. That hypocrisy is so in-your-face that I totally missed it. I’ve been arguing with Bernie supporters who say that Hilary is going to win because of superdelegates by pointing out that even if you eliminate superdelegates OR if you appoint them proportionate to the popular vote, Hilary still wins.

“He’s a flawed egotistical mainstream politician. I voted for him”

I consider myself a progressive. I like Bernie and Hillary, but am voting for Hillary. That doesn’t revoke my progressive bona fides, it just means we disagree about what we think either candidate can realistically accomplish or the effects of their candidacy. Honestly, you’re fed up with smug Hillary supporters and I

I’ve talked to a few men who think nobody likes Hillary just because the supporters they know don’t loudly talk about her in the same obnoxious way so many Bernie supporters talk about him. It’s pretty frustrating.

I think your parenthetical is key. All of the Hillary supporters I know don’t really talk about it. If we do, it’s in hushed tones in real life or on group chat/text with other known Hillary supporters. We really are a silent majority. I have gotten more brazen about posting on facebook as the campaign has gone on and