
Get the fuck outta here with your #notallmen apologia. The reason why a minority of men can get away with such spectactularly bad behavior is that the rest of us participate in power structures that ensure that they don’t suffer any consequences for it. Nobody gets a pass for not being actively sexist in a patriarchal

The moment someone starts talking about how women and men are genetically wired to do different things, you know that they’re not for equality.

Bingo. And if there is any doubt, the rest of his comment about how gender is different, traditional roles, and the swinging of the pendulum pretty much says it all.

His argument against feminism is essentially “people call you out now when you are a misogynistic asshole and whiny whine whiny whine”. Jebus, it’s just like the religious fanatics who think gays are ruining civilization because they can’t get away with being bigots anymore.

Are you thinking of Orpheus? Maenads ripped him apart. Maenads. The Sad Baby Man above is no Orpheus.

Let’s do a little translation. bell hooks gives what I think is the most succinct, accurate, straightforward definitions of feminism:

“Anyone who shares a dissenting opinion about feminism is absolutely slaughtered in the media, on the web, at work, at home, and in life.”

This is awesome and I’m so fucking excited to see her stand there and light shit on fire. Seriously, the amount of courage this is taking is insane. I hope she receives unending support from the people around her.

Bull fucking shit. I reported boys grabbing my tits MULTIPLE TIMES to my school and they fucking got detention. So no, this is not okay but don’t act like boys don’t get away with this bullshit EVERYDAY.

But, you don’t actually know that. There is some later evidence to suggest Nancy did, in the end, ask Ronald to do some things, but it was too little, too late, of course. I imagine that’s where Clinton’s head was. She was wrong, but the lying thing? That’s coming from your mind. We have to stop making villains. We

She gives long nuanced answers at debates and she’s pandering and inauthentic. She says “I am sorry” and it’s too little. Clinton Foundation has an AIDS initiative. It’s not like she doesn’t know the issues. She misspoke. She apologized. Sometimes people misspeak and then they either apologize (like Hillary) or say

Concur. I made a list of reasons I have dismissed people on OKC (because I like lists and am obsessed with documenting things), and the first items on the list are conversation openers like this:

For the most part you’re right, but as a fellow participant in the horrorshow and also as a Lady Cannibal Shark I always ignored messages trying to compliment my luscious gills and fins and always responded to thoughtful conversational messages. Maybe "right" isn't the correct word, but I feel like there at least more

The point of the first message isn’t to get her to reply to you and go on a date. The point of the first message is to not be so terrible that she doesn’t even bother viewing your profile, which is what is actually going to convince her to reply. The first message can only be neutral or break you.

Ask them a question about something in their profile. Maybe add a line mentioning your connection to the subject. You don’t need to write more than a sentence or two, but “good morning” isn’t going to make a good impression. It translates as, “I think you’re cute. Now you do the work of starting the conversation.”

do not compliment her on her looks and/or body parts, do compliment her on her interests, show interest in her interests. etc...

Also, imo dudes put waaaay less effort into first messages. I have NEVER sent a “hey” message or gotten one from a woman, but I’ve gotten tons from dudes.

I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.

Ah, I see they’ve given up empathy for Lent.

Counterpoint: The GOP cites the legal precedent of “We Don’t Want To” V. “You Can’t Make Me”