I’m extremely pro choice and have had an abortion, but I think a person causing the death of a wanted fetus is horrific. Even if it doesn’t fit the legal definition, this asshole killed two people.
I’m extremely pro choice and have had an abortion, but I think a person causing the death of a wanted fetus is horrific. Even if it doesn’t fit the legal definition, this asshole killed two people.
Of course she’s not dead.
“Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.
That said, Morgan’s and Anissa’s particular situation remains haunting. They will be tried as adults in a criminal trial expected to start this year. They face 65 years in jail. Their situation is reminiscent of that of the similarly impressionable “Manson girls” Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten who remain…
Ya the ACLU responded to the vague threat Spicer made in that... display. You can’t even really call it a press conference because he came in, chastised the press, lied 4 times, and stormed off like a goddamned fool. If they think they’re going to keep saying up is down just to show they can, they’re going to be in…
From those of us who can’t make it ... sending all of our love and strength. Stay safe!
Your paternalism is revolting. Presumably you’d be paying for it as a gift, right?
Perhaps this is just a fun jaunty anecdote but I’m baffled by your desire to dictate your adult daughter’s type and name of pet.
I actually lost weight after a break-up because I was so depressed I barely ate for several months. And every time someone congratulated me for losing weight, I wanted to crawl into a hole. Even my own mother commented enviously, until I finally told her she could be “skinny” too if she cried tears for dinner instead…
It’s not an uncommon tip for actors to stay grounded in a character by taking cues from costumes and set. And no, I am in no way at all in “the biz” but I did go out with an excruciating acting student in my 20s. Was a bad idea. Actors are to attention what cookie monster is to cookies.
Emma: What’s the plot of this again. She fucks a dog and a candle and a clock sing at her?
Watching women come together to defend HRC is one of the most gorgeous things I have seen, culturally, in years. So many men I know just do not see the problem. They just “feel” like they don’t like her, and can’t register the sexism. But women see it! We’ve all been there with some oaf trying to stand over us and…
Depending on the hate crime statute, all that is required is that you targeted your crime towards a person of a protected group (race, gender, orientation, disabled, etc) BECAUSE they are a member of that protected group. Beating up a gay person isn’t a hate crime, beating them up because they are gay is. Scamming a…
I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.
Really? I like Biden but I think he would be too easily goaded into a name calling contest with Trump. I have a lot of issues with Hillary on a policy level but I don’t think there’s anyone better to face Trump. She’s the most level headed person I’ve ever seen and since Trump’s misogyny seems to have been one of the…
Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.
Her social media team is awesome. And quick.