To me, what upsets me about most of the reactions are how conveniently and quickly people are forgetting that Muslims are also victims of Islamic terrorism, just to propagate their xenophobic propaganda.
To me, what upsets me about most of the reactions are how conveniently and quickly people are forgetting that Muslims are also victims of Islamic terrorism, just to propagate their xenophobic propaganda.
Yes the pills were a different color, but maybe the some of women were new to birth control, or trusted the packaging; I probably would have. You know who really should have noticed?? The company.
It was a faulty mislabeled product. I am a gynecologist. We absolutely do not expect most monogamous couples who use reliable hormonal contraception to also use barriers as backup / STI protection. There is an insert in each pack of oral contraceptives with instructions and failure rates, and an explicit belief by the…
Um, here’s an idea - if you think the men in a prison will assault a woman for looking like a woman, maybe put the woman in a women’s prison? Just saying.
I think its a little weird that the national symbol for their country isn’t actually native to their country.
Jennifer Lawrence seems to be sharing the same sentiment as Amy. I think it’s actually refreshing, albeit still sad, that these are women who are being honest about their very human feelings. It seems natural to feel like you’ve hit a wall sometimes, and to hear famous, wealthy women express this kind-of shitty…
I really missed the old school cycles of ANTM. Remember Jade? “This isn’t America’s Next Top Best Friend!” Memories...
The convicted rapist started a relationship with the victim online under a male alias, met the victim in real life as herself and then convinced the victim to have sex with the male alias. It’s more than unethical, it’s fucking creepy and criminal.
I think it’s considered rape, because she would never have consented to having sex with this chick wearing a dick. It’s similar to when some rando fucks someone’s wife in the dark, pretending to be her husband.
Yes. That’s exactly what just happened here.
The continuity bothers me. Petty, I know. If the movie came out in 2002 and her kid was six years old in the last scene, wouldn’t that mean her kid would be like 13 or 14 in the sequel? Or was the movie supposed to be set in 1997 for most of the movie?
Well, the reason a lot of places charge a split charge is twofold:
1) people typically want the plate...split. Holla all yall who have ever heard “well but we wanted it SPLIT, NOT JUST AN EXTRA PLATE GAWD.” It’s extra work for the kitchen, and it doesn’t result in any extra profit for the restaurant, because it’s just…
....the tree had been dead for two years, so a basic yearly landscape inspection would have prompted a pretty simple “let’s remove the swing attached to the tree that will instantly collapse and kill anyone who swings on it.”
SHOCKINGLY, amenities at hotels are inspected for safety- pools, gyms, saunas, ect. Most likely, had this been a hotel, safety standards would’ve meant that the swing wouldn’t have existed in the first place. I know, I know, logic is hard sometimes for the “any regulation is the death of everything because…
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Apparently in Texas you do not have to identify yourself to the police unless you are under arrest. So if they arrested her for not identifying herself, they got the law backwards.
I don’t know, I kind of like that they used the term “children.” Because that’s what they are. I feel like calling them “desirable teens” or “desirable young adults” would have made it seem like less of a problem.