Please pray for me I’m stuck in Denver airport like a man without a country.
They should replace his actual picture with this and also not use his name.
This is exactly how I’ve felt for years. I hope Obama is coming for your guns, all of them, you fucking monsters. Yes. #AllOfYou
I mean, I tend to be an isolated weirdo but I’m not about to murder people for kicks.
She gets a bit like a super drunk friend in a hotel elevator, doesn’t she?
Pierce Brosnan’s kids went to my middle school. One dark, blustery afternoon in late November, I was waiting for my mum to pick me up from the reception area, and who should sit down next to me but PIERCE BROSNAN HIMSELF. I remember swivelling to stare at him, slack-jawed, not even trying to be cool. I stared so…
WHEN will Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio realize that their relationships don’t work out because they just need to get together, already
Usually, when a woman says “if you were younger...” it is an attempt to flatter an older man while at the same time saying loud and clear that he is *far* too old for her to consider dating.
Person trying to politely let someone down: Yeah! I’d totally be interested in you in an alternative scenario that could literally never happen!
He was encouraged by her “ambiguous signals.” It’s called “not wanting to make her advisor an enemy.” It’s called “not antagonizing the person who is the gatekeeper to her career.” Fuck. This is why the codes against fraternizing should be extended to grad school.
First PP will tell you none of their budget goes to abortions, but then tells you this will hurt abortions.
It is. But sometimes people need to write stupid things about trending terms to get clicks.
I skyped with my mom recently and she said (about the Republicans): “shit keeps rolling downhill and accumulating.”
Exactly. Kinda like how we were all “W is so bad, it can’t get any worse” and then DONALD TRUMP became the Republican presidential forerunner. Anyone that EVER thinks the Republicans can’t get any worse are impressively naive.
Yes, Donald, women all know the word shrill. Just like we all know what it means when politicians cherish us.
Ah yes, “shrill”. Right up there with “bossy” and “aggressive”. Thank goodness he keeps reminding us how much he cherishes us or I might have taken this the wrong way.