
I’m from Chillicothe; I knew Tiffany and Charlotte from high school. People have their opinions of the town—I even agree with a lot of them. It breaks my heart, though, to hear the constant narrative of “Yeah, it’s such a tragedy, but they were drug-using prostitutes. The town’s riddled with poverty, what do you

I often proofread content for my co-workers...when I pointed out her use of “female” as a noun, she practically stared at me like I was growing a second head before her eyes.

it is literally (hehe) dehumanizing. It’s an identifier of sex, but not species.

This is genuinely terrifying.

Yeah, it’s my continual failing (or greatest strength?) in dating is that I’m very aware of all of the situations which could lead to my murder. Which is a pity because the guy seemed pretty cool, but once I had that death narrative in my head I couldn’t get it out.

We’ve been taught to assume that all men are creepers and that married men are just creepers who are trying to cheat. It would be more pleasant to assume the opposite, but you hit the target more often assuming they’re creepers.

What kind of harlot finds it appropriate to have little cats on their knee socks?

I too support the movement by wearing a crop top every single day of my life mostly because they are awesome and also I have a cute tummy and everyone should see it always.

This is the dumbest dismissal of a woman’s experience I’ve read in a while.

If you’ll read the other comments on this post so far, you’ll see how real this is for all women. Street harassment isn’t flattering, and sharing your experiences with it isn’t bragging. If you’re a woman, it’s happened to you, and if it’s happened to you, you know it’s degrading, disenfranchising and anything but

It didn’t fully hit me that harassment... I mean “compliments” had nothing to do with me (but everything to do with power) until some guy hit on me all day at a seminar as I was 7 months pregnant. My belly (with wedding band) wasn’t a deterrent. A ring won’t do shit.

It works for everything. Whereas my brothers (we’re Latino) have to drive very carefully and have never done drugs my SIL (white) has no fear when it comes to having mariguana in her car. She said to me: I look like a mom, with a mom’s car. They’ll never stop me.

In my front yard at this very moment. His name is Ed. And now, it will be Ed Featherstone. RIP.

My toddlers each have a “fly-mango” and love them. They move them all around our yard during the summer and the little one pets his and gives it kisses goodbye when we come inside for the day.

I thought my speakers were malfunctioning when it started. I like it, but my first reaction was “oh shit, I broke my work computer.”

Let’s not forget the power that these ancient creatures harbor! The can strip even the most ferocious dinosaur to the bone before he even has time to fall over!

You know what, you’re right. She’s young, and she might not really know better. Perhaps it’s time to think of a different, less hostile and more accepting approach.

They have all these incompetent kids working at these places. They should lower the minimum wage to 2 dollars an hour

These guys calling people “professional victims,” those are the people insisting their free speech is restricted if they can’t harass fat people, yes?